"We'll meet you there," I dryly reply.

"Pft! There is far too much to do to wait for after your stamina, I-"

"Am just leaving," I finish for her. "Bye Anne." I grab Izzy's hand and drag her upstairs, leaving Anne laughing downstairs.

Izzy gapes at me then breaks down laughing after I lock the door behind us. Seeing her so light leaves me grinning. I sit down on the bed and watch as she simmers down and tosses some clothes into the hamper.

I hold out my hand for her and she responds instantly. Izzy crawls up on the bed, straddling my lap as she grips my shoulders.

"How long have you guys been friends?" She asks, her blue gaze burning into mine.

"Mmmm, a very long time... think we met in the first year of college? Turns out we had similar interests." I chuckle.

Her eyes widen slightly. "Did you guys, um, you know?"

I can't hold back my laugh at her flustered state. "No Izzy. I mean there was a brief bit of consideration but we were both too dominant, it couldn't work. We did, however, have the tendency to go after the same submissives..."

Remembering the times we basically competed over subs makes me frown. I look at Izzy and realize our tastes are still very similar.

"We even shared one once... that's how I know I can't share. I didn't like how it made me feel. Overall, I'm not a jealous man, but when you're mine, I don't want to share any part of you, I want all of you."

Izzy sobers up and lays her hand on my chest. "I'm all yours, Sir. Always."

I lay my hand over hers and bring it to my lips, kissing it lightly. "I love you so much Izzy, you make me so happy."

"Me too," she murmurs against my lips. Her kiss is so soft and tender, just like her. I groan as she pulls back, but know we need to get going or Anne will be right.

For everything that has changed over the years, one thing I know for certain is I want more of this... like never-ending, all of it, lazy Sundays, gentle kisses, passionate sex, talking into the small hours of the night... all of it.


After moving the last crate into the Dungeon playroom we finally take a break and work on assembly. Anne looks like a kid on Christmas as she gets to work with the crowbar.

"Down killer," I tease as she breaks the crate open on a shower of splinters.

Anne brandished the crowbar at me and arches a brow. "If you weren't so bloody satisfied, you'd be equally as excited," she growls. "And don't lie, you've had a shit-eating grin plastered on your face all damn day!"

I shrug, fully owning it. There's no secret that Izzy makes me happy. "You do have a sub of your own you know?"

Her face falls a bit but she recovers. "For now but he's out of town."

"I thought things were going well with Jack?" I question, furrowing my brows.

"They were, are, but we both knew it was temporary..." Anne takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly. "Ironic isn't it? I own a BDSM club and can't keep a submissive to save my life!"

"But Jack looks happy?" I struggle to wrap my head around this. Anne has had both male and female submissives, always being drawn to the personality over gender.

"He got into his photography program. He'll be leaving in a couple of weeks." The finality in her tone tells me she's already come to terms. "And before you say it, neither of us do long distance."


"Don't. We knew it when we started. It was a fun run while it lasted though." Her crooked grin speaks volumes. "Let's talk about something happier though... looks like things are going very well with Izzy?"

I grin. "She is incredible... I didn't even know I was missing things in life till she showed me."

I've had my share of submissives and they all offered me something different. They scratched an itch but with Izzy it's different. The sex is amazing but it's everything else she offers that feeds my addiction.

"You're welcome," Anne replies with a wink.

I laugh and nod. "Thanks."

"No more setbacks?" she cautiously asks.

"Nothing so far, but I don't want to press my luck. She's come so far." I smile to myself thinking about last night.

"She even used her safe word," I admit. Anne nods in approval.

Safewords are in place for a reason. When a submissive won't use them it's a dangerous situation that puts them at risk. That Izzy used hers when she finally hit the point she couldn't take anymore is a huge milestone in her recovery.

Knowing that she will stop our play when it becomes too much for her means that we can explore her limits safely. It also means that I can give her what she wants with more confidence and less restraint.

"I'm happy for you Jonathan, both of you." Anne's green gaze shines with sincerity. "I can't think of two people that deserve this happiness more." She gives my arm a squeeze and walks to the door with a sad smile.

"Your time's coming Anne," I assure her. "A new club is kind of like a new chapter, don't you think?"

She smiles at the thought. "I hope you're right, old man."

His Broken Submissive : MercyWhere stories live. Discover now