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The door flies open, making me jump and my heart soars until I see it's Alec. He closes the door, taking a quick look outside before throwing the latch.

"We're leaving. Now!" Alec reaches down for one of the pre-packed duffle bag and quickly throws it over his shoulder. He glares at Max in a way that makes me hold Becca closer. "What part of now are you not getting?"

Max's lips flap, but no sound comes out. He snaps out of his stupor and looks at his cell, furrowing his brows. "The boat doesn't leave for another six hours?"

In an instant, Alec turns on his friend and shoves him against the wall, their faces inches away as he fists his shirt. "What part of leaving now says in six hours?" Max's jaw drops but he says nothing as Alec shoves him towards the bag.

"What happened?" Max tosses his bag over his shoulder and side eyes us.

Alec peers out a slit in the wall as he waits for us. "They're checking the docks, heading this way. I got our dock time moved up." His in control facade shows the hint of a crack, giving me hope.

My heart stops as he turns on us, pulling his gun out and pointing it at us. "Move it!"

Becca's resolve falters, and she flinches away. I force my heart to stop racing and turn all of my attention to Becca. If I can only manage one more thing, I need to make sure she gets away safely.

I gather her up and give her a reassuring squeeze. "Come on," I whisper, guiding her to the door.

Alec pauses with his hand resting on the bolt. We're sandwiched between him and Max as they crowd us to the door. Every fiber of my being screams to be anywhere but here.

"Don't even think about making a sound or trying to run." Alec cocks his gun, moving it close to our faces. "I will shoot you dead and leave you for the rats if I even so much as think you're trying something. Understood?"

"Jezus, they get it!" Max pushes the gun away from us and nods to leave. "Can we just get out of here already?"

Alex scowls but slides the latch. He checks the surroundings before waving us out. Becca laces her fingers with mine and braces her weight against me. I wrap my free arm around her, trying to help her along as best as I can.

Heavy storm clouds blot out the moon, cloaking everything in darkness. The dock barely has any lighting, just the odd dull lamp casting small pools of light.

"Keep up. We've got a ways to go and not long to get there." Alec shoves us, then storms ahead. Max frowns, but motions for us to follow.

My mind races on overdrive as we stumble our way across the shipyard, weaving through alleyways and over uneven concrete. Time slows as Becca trips, pulling me down with her.

We crash hard into the broken concrete, shredding our hands and knees. I hiss, pulling a rock shard from my palm as blood flows freely.

Suddenly, fingers tangle in my hair, dragging me off the ground and back to my feet. I gasp and wrap my fingers around his wrist as Alec wrenches me around to face him.

"I said keep up!" His threat makes my heart drop and eyes water. The cocking of a gun freezes me in place, too afraid to even breathe.

Alec slowly tilts his head, glaring past me. Even in the low light, I can see the hatred burning in his eyes.

"I said don't touch her!" Max snaps. Sirens sound in the background, so faint, yet they give me hope.

"Now?" Alec growls, wrenching me to the side. "This is the moment you finally grow some balls?!"

"Let her go. I'm warning you!" Max's hand shakes, but he keeps his gun trained on Alec.

"Or what?" He snarls, jerking me hard. I struggle to suppress the scream threatening to rip past my lips, but my tears flow freely. "Do you remember what I said last time?"

A shot fires off so close it makes my ears ring. Becca screams and covers her head.

"Are you insane?!" Alec drags me aside and takes a threatening step towards Max. "Every cop in the area will have heard that!"

"I said let her go!" Max cocks the gun again and aims at his chest. "I won't say it again."

Alec's confidence falters, and he takes a step back, pulling me in front like a shield. I struggle to keep my feet under me as he backs up, dragging me with him.

"You hear that?" Alec points towards the growing sirens. "You fucking idiot! Half the god damned city is looking for us and you just gave them a bullseye!"

"I don't give a shit! This is so insane!" Max steps closer and brandishes his weapon. "No one was supposed to get hurt. You said you wouldn't touch her-"

Time slows, and I watch frozen as Alec tosses me aside and rushes Max. Before I can even hit the ground, Max fires a shot off in the air, but is no match for Alec. Both men wrestle for the gun and one last shot rings through the still night.

My breath catches and stomach drops as Max falls away, clutching his stomach. Alec turns on me, smoke still wafting from the stolen gun with a wild look in his eyes.

"You fucking bitches are too much trouble! I'll just start over when I get there."

A chill runs through me, but I can't make my body respond. Every fibre of my being screams to run, but I stay where I've fallen, my arm raised like a shield.

"I guess we'll never get to finish our play time... shame, I had such a list of things to try." Alec slowly cocks the gun and a sense of calm falls over me.

A loud bang defense me, knocking me back to the present. Alec's lips tug into a deranged grin, but all I can think about is him.


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