19 Be Good

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I sit there sulking as I watch Jonathan drive away with his client. My lips still tingle from his demanding kiss and my core throbs, reminding me of unfinished business.

But I said I'd be good...

With nothing left to do but clean up, I set to work, trying to keep my mind occupied. Now that I've been doing this job for a while it feels like second nature.

I file away everything from today's clients and pull the next batch of clients ready for tomorrow. Unfortunately, my efficiency leaves me with nothing to do and hours to kill.

Absentmindedly I send Becca a text to see what's up. We've been spending more and more time together and she's always good for a laugh. I nearly drop my phone when she immediately calls instead of texting back.

"What's wrong Iz?" She asks, getting straight to the point.

I can't help but laugh at her direct approach. "Nothing's wrong."

"Mmhmm," she mumbles. "You're always too busy working to talk with me during the day."

"That's not it..." I trail off frowning. Sometimes I'm just so focused on what I'm doing to see the text.

"So what's up?" She asks, dismissing my answer.

"Nothing... I just ran out of things to do so I thought I'd see what you're up to." I cringe hearing me say it out loud.

"And where is Mr. Slave driver?" Becca asks. The sass in her voice makes me sit up straighter.

"Jonathan has site visits all afternoon." Even I hear the sulk in my voice.

What is this man doing to me that I'm such a needy mess?

And why did he have to stop?

"Is everything okay there?" Becca asks, far softer than before.

"Yeah, honestly everything's fine. I'm just trying to keep... occupied..." I struggle for the words, not that she would judge me but I can't seem to come straight out and say I'm on edge.

"Do I need to have words with Jonathan about keeping his sub well-"

"Becca!" I gasp, knowing she has no boundaries.

"Honestly everything's fine, he was just goofing around... and now I'm stuck waiting," I groan, dropping my head in my hands. I shift in my seat for the countless time, feeling restless.

"So don't wait," Becca replies matter of factly.

"You know I can't do that." I sigh knowing her inner brat runs the show.

"You could," she teases. "It's easy, you just grab a toy and-"

"Becca!" I squeal.

"What?!" She laughs, clearly enjoying getting me flustered. "The way I see it you have two options. You either take care of business and see what he does, or you play his game."

"I AM playing his game," I groan, feeling more frustrated than before.

"You're doing what you're told, not playing his game," she chides.

My brows furrow as I struggle to keep up with her brat logic. "That doesn't even make any sense," I whine.

"Let me guess, you're gonna be a good little girl, waiting there when he gets home to finish what you guys started?" My cheeks instantly heat being called out like that but she's not wrong.

"You say that like it's a bad thing... I don't want to disappoint him." I live to hear that I'm his good girl, the last thing I want to do is disobey him.

"The world isn't black or white Izzy, live in the grey girl!" I can hear her excitement and my butt already tingles from the trouble she's no doubt going to get me into.

"What do you mean?"

"Jonathan expects you to be waiting when he gets home right? What if you weren't?" I can picture her devious grin from the tone of her voice, but I don't know the answer.

He told me to not touch myself, but that was all...

"We have two private parties tonight at the club, if you're free, we could use the help..." Becca sets the bait knowing I can't help but take it. "If he wants to tease you and leave you waiting, don't you think turnabout is fair play?"

I bite my lip as a smile tugs at the corner of my mouth. She's right. Not only will I be doing what he told me to, but he'll get a taste of his own medicine.

"Listen, I'll make it easy for you. Be ready in an hour, I'll pick you up." Becca leaves no room for argument and she knows it. "What do you say?"

"I'll be ready."

Becca squeals and claps loudly on the other side of the line. "K, I'm hanging up and turning off my phone so you can't bail, see you soon!"

A strange thrill runs through me as I stare at the blank phone, the same feeling I had with primal. Becca is right this is the game, and a small but eager part of me can't wait for Jonathan to catch up with me later...

I head upstairs and go about getting ready for work, changing from my sensible office attire to Bliss dress code. I opt for a more simple outfit than usual, my classic black dress, black thigh highs, and pause at my makeup table, seeing a black satin choker. My face splits into a giant grin seeing JF hanging from the center.

After the costume party, Jonathan had asked me about the costume and experience. I had admitted I loved the collar and that it had his initials only made it that much better. There was a point not so long ago that I thought this part of my life was out of my reach and now I'm living it.

Not even a half-hour later there's a knock at the door. I look at my phone and see a text from Becca saying she's here. I send a quick text telling her to come up and get back to getting ready. With the knowledge we'll be working parties I throw my raven locks up into two high buns, leaving the ends to curl out around them some.

Feeling a bit emboldened I go for crimson lips and dramatic dark eyes, making my blue eyes sparkle. My last step is slipping on the black statin choker that fits perfectly, letting his initials dangle at my throat. I smile, running my fingertips across the silver letters. It hasn't got the same weight as the collar but the message is the same...

I'm his.

"Well damn girl!" Becca calls from the doorway, her eyes wide as she looks me over. "We are getting all of the tips tonight." She laughs and walks over for a closer look.

I break out in my own laugh as I take in her appearance. She's wearing a pale blue, almost white baby doll dress with white thigh highs decorated with blue satin bows. Her makeup is light and youthful and her hair is in ringlet pigtails, a Daddy Doms dream.

"Clearly we've got the littles market covered tonight, dark and light, Anne's gonna love it!" She cackles in a way that makes me arch my brow. "Come on, we better get going."

After making sure to leave food and a note for Jonathan as a consolation prize I lock up. He was okay with me working tonight, but I swear I could hear the disappointment in his text that I wouldn't be waiting for him.

After a white knuckle ride, we arrive at the club and park. As always Taz is waiting at the employee door to let us in. At well over six foot and three hundred pounds he's big enough to intimidate anyone yet I've always thought of him as a giant teddy bear.

"I thought you had the night off Iz?" He questions, holding the door wide for us.

"Becca said there were parties and you guys needed help?" I reply with a shrug as I slip in.

"Sure do," Anne adds, walking over in her black corset with black and red skintight pleather dress. She arches a brow as she looks me over then Becca. "Do keep a close eye on them hmm?" She pats Taz lovingly on the cheek and heads back into the club.

"Always do," Taz answers with a chuckle as he turns back towards the club. "I'm gonna earn my money tonight..."

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