51 Elegance and Grace

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Fighting our way through the hustle and bustle to keep up with Natasha is far harder than I thought. Whereas Becca is brimming with excitement, I feel like a flock of seagulls is on speed in my chest.

"Isn't this insane?!" Becca squeals. Her eyes are impossibly wide as we race through the banquet hall. Our hair and makeup are done but we still have to slip into our dresses and take care of our finishing touches.

I follow her gaze around the cavernous hall and have the opposite reaction. I don't know what I was expecting from a gala, but this almost looks Oscar scale.

Workers mill around the space, setting tables, fixing decor and arranging the final details to be ready for tonight. The Gala opens in less than two hours.

Before we even approach the backstage fitting area commotion reaches us. A security guard checks us in and lets us into the zoo contained behind the door.

Half naked and mostly naked models walk around between fully dressed ones as everyone scrambles to get ready. Seeing so many beautiful women strutting so confidently around leaves my confidence crashing through the floor.

"Don't you dare," Natasha growls, drawing my attention to her. "Both of you are every bit as beautiful as them. I guarantee they are checking out your ass and Becca's tits, wishing they had them."

We just gape at her, somehow shocked by her brazen comment. Natasha arches a brow in triumph and grabs Becca's free hand to drag us along.

She finds her station, a small clothes rack and a lit-up makeup table and sets to work. Seeing her so happy makes me relax slightly.

"Hmm, I guess they'll let anyone in now?" I turn to the speaker and see a tall thin middle-aged woman glaring down her nose at Nat.

Natasha looks like she's been slapped across her face but recovers and stands tall. "Veronica, how good to see you."

"I'm sure it is," she drawls, disgust lacing her tone. Veronica shifts her attention to us and the way she looks at Becca makes me want to claw her eyes out. "How....quaint."

"Veronica is it?" I cut in seeing Nat's eyes water. The viper turns her attention to me, her brow arched that I have the audacity to speak to her.

"And you are?" Her eyes travel across me like she's calculating my worth.

"Too busy for this I'm afraid." My tone leaves no room for argument, catching the hag off guard. "Once we're ready, I'm sure Natasha can spare a bit of time, but you'll have to wait with the others, sorry."

The woman's jaw drops and Becca draws the curtain divider in her face having recovered. Nat just stares at us, bug-eyed then breaks down laughing. We hear the woman sputter and storm off, only making us laugh harder.

"I can't believe you guys did that!" Nat finally chokes out. "Do you have any idea who that was?!"

"Queen bitch?" Becca answers. "Hagatha? Karen?"

"Whoever she was, she doesn't get to mess this up for you," I say, giving her arm a squeeze.

"We're allowed to drink right? Cause if there's much of that, sober Becca will punch a bitch," she warns.

"Somehow drunk Becca doesn't strike me as having more restraint," I drawl.

"Na, but she'll laugh in their face first," she snickers.

"Focus!" Natasha snaps. She guides me to the chair and sets to work enhancing my makeup and tweaking my hair. Skillfully she weaves sparkly sprays into my hair, giving me a sort of sparkling halo. With the fairy-like woven accents secured in place, I have a truly ethereal look that contrasts strikingly with my bold, blood-red lips and dark eye makeup that make my eyes shine like the most expensive sapphires.

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