6 Ready

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Walking into the new Bliss club is literally like walking into an upgrade in your life. The colour scheme is the same, and it has the same feel, but everything is bigger and better. I wander around and head up to the bar as Anne catches up with the general contractor.

As her discussion goes from general status update to more in-depth inspection, I realize we'll be here a while. Thankfully I spot Jack, prowling around behind the bar, lost in his own world with a giant grin.

"Be careful," I tease, taking a seat at the bar. "Anne's liable to think you're cheating on her."

"I would never," he gasps, clutching his chest, then shifts his attention to the mahogany topped bar. "Can you blame me though? Look at this sexy beast!"

Jack runs his hands suggestively over the bar, caressing its curves before laying his cheek down on it. I can't hold back my laughter at his theatrics.

"Should we leave you two alone?" Marilyn dryly asks, arching a manicured brow. Today she's dressed in a sharp black and red pants suit that amplifies her aura making her feel like the largest person in the room instead of the smallest that she is.

"No respect," he grumbles, turning his back on us and slipping into the back. Jack returns a moment later with a take-out box for her.

"Have you had lunch yet?" Marilyn asks me, nodding to the box. "I'd ordered lunch for my patient but he had to run, I'd hate for it to go to waste."

I look over towards Anne on the main floor who is now leaning over blueprints with the foreman and several workers. Safe bet we'll be here for a while.

"Thanks," I reply with a smile and pick up the two pops and napkins before following her over to a booth on the far side.

"So what do you think of the new club?" She asks, meticulously laying out the food for us.

"It's impressive and it's not even done yet," I mumble, scanning around. Most of the furniture is still under wraps and none of the BDSM-themed stuff is in yet.

"Anne said you and Jonathan will be doing a scene for opening weekend?" She asks and takes a bite of her burger.

My stomach falls at her question. She has no way of knowing I'm fucked up...

"I don't know anymore," I whisper hanging my head.

"Oh?" Marilyn murmurs. "What's wrong, you two looked inseparable the other day?"

"We're fine... er well he's fine... oh God," I groan, burying my face in my hands. She says nothing for a minute then lays a hand on my wrist, lightly patting my arm.

"Did something happen?" She asks, her voice hushed and soft.

I nod but keep my face buried, feeling my cheeks heat.

"Can you talk about it?" I shrug at her question. Can and want to are rather different things. "It's up to you but I'd be more than happy to listen."

"I'm broken," I whisper blurt before my mind fully shuts down like usual.

"Oh Izzy," she coos. "No one's broken. Sometimes we just hit bumps in the road."

"What kind of submissive can't submit?" I deadpan, uncovering my face to look at her.

"What happened?" She asks once more.

"I messed up like I always do when things are going well..." I practically whimper.

"I'm sure that's not the case," she counters. "Anne has always raved about your skill and attention to detail. Why don't you tell me exactly what happened?"

His Broken Submissive : MercyWhere stories live. Discover now