50 Ironic

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Someone clearing their throat snaps my attention away from Izzy and to the doorway as my stomach drops. The green eyes that meet mine dance with amusement as Anne watches us from the doorway.

"You haven't lost your touch old man," she drawls, making Izzy bolt upright.

Izzy doesn't even look, just buries her face against my chest and breaks down laughing. Her whole body shakes and I can't help but join her.

"Seriously?!" I groan, glaring at the interloper as she takes a seat at the table.

Anne slowly rakes her eyes over Izzy and then looks at me in challenge. "I was invited for breakfast, but I'm just as happy to have some of what you're having if there's no food?"

Izzy giggles as I pull her tightly against my chest and glare at Anne. She of all people knows I don't share, especially not Izzy.

I grumble remembering I had invited her over for breakfast before heading over to the club. "You're early," I growl.

Anne tosses back her head and laughs, enjoying this far more than she should. "Old man, it's nearly noon, I'm most definitely late." Sure enough, the clock on the wall shows a quarter till noon.

Well fuck.

Izzy presses on my chest and slips off the counter and over to the sink. She washes her hands, grabs two mugs and fills them with coffee before handing them to us. In a flash, she races up the stairs leaving us alone.

"That's definitely starting the day off on the right foot." My glare just makes her cackle more. "Why don't you go cover up? That," she gestures to my chest, "does nothing for me."

I roll my eyes and head upstairs, finding Izzy fresh from the bathroom with a change of clothes. She flashes me a bashful smile and giggles as she slips on leggings and a crop top before throwing an oversized sweater over it.

She stumbles in her haste but I catch her easily. "You good?" I ask, lifting her chin. Her eyes are bright as she smiles up at me.

"I am."

"Good girl, we'll talk more later." I caress her cheek and release her, frowning as she bolts back downstairs.

I clean up in the bathroom and change into fresh joggers and a t-shirt before heading back downstairs. Anne is still seated at the table, nursing her coffee while Izzy finishes up at the stove.

"So, are you all ready for the big day tomorrow?" Anne asks. She smiles at me as I join her at the table and waits for Izzy's answer.

"Yup, though I'm a bit nervous... This is a big deal for Natasha, I don't want to mess it up." She sets a plated omelette down for each of us and sits beside me.

"Izzy you couldn't mess it up if you tried," Anne scoffs. "Natasha is as calculating as Viktor. She did well choosing you and Becca." She glares at me warning me never to tell Becca.

"But I don't know anything about modelling." Izzy looks at her plate and pushes her food around.

"Think about it like art. Natasha is the artist and you're the canvas, so your job is just to display her art."

I know that Natasha has gone over all of this and knows that Izzy will do perfectly, but also understand her apprehension. Someone like Izzy is happy being invisible for the most part. Judging by the drawings, this dress will make her the center of attention.

Having finished I get up to put my plate in the sink and kiss her on the top of her head. "I know you'll do great, angel."

"I've got just the thing to calm your nerves, physical labour." Anne grins and Izzy just giggles. "Chop chop the day is wasting."

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