68 The Best Laid Plans...

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"Let's move ladies!" Nat shouts, pointing in opposite directions. "In and out, then back to the party!"

I can't help but laugh at her drill sergeant routine. By the time we arrived, she had the store divided into thirds and assignments for each of us. Becca is getting the ice cream, I'm getting the fruit and toppings, and Natasha is straight for the booze.

Leo waves as we race into the store,-no doubt waiting for his regular to finish shopping. He laughs as we fly by, giggling like a pack of pre-teen girls at a slumber party. I flash him a quick smile and grab our baskets before splitting up. Even Igor is grinning as he waits at the entrance.

I rush to the produce section, zipping up and down the aisle as I add strawberries, blueberries and bananas to my basket. An elderly lady gasps and clutches her necklace as I slide around the corner, losing traction on the water-slicked floors from the veggie misters.

"Sorry!" I squeal out over my shoulder as I race away.

Becca stands in the central aisle, enthralled by the wall of ice cream while Natasha rushes back to upgrade her basket to a shopping cart. My grin grows wider as I see victory in my grasp.

I push my legs harder, searching for the baking and treat aisle and end up sliding by it in my haste. My heart hammers as I backtrack and slam on the breaks in front of my goal.

Caramel squeeze, chocolate drizzle, strawberry sauce and every colour of sprinkle beg to come home with us. Knowing Jonathan's sweet tooth I go big, grabbing one of each and tossing them into my basket before racing towards the cashier.

Shopping cart wheels screech on linoleum behind me as glass bottles clank together, warning that Natasha's hot on my heels. I can't breathe as I cackle like a maniac, parking my basket on the conveyor first.

"You cheated!" Nat whines. Her cart is literally full of booze and chips, more than anyone could possibly eat in a night, let alone a small BBQ party.

"I won fair and square." I flash her a toothy grin, only earning a deeper scowl. "I nearly wiped out like three times for this, I'll have you know!"

Natasha rolls her eyes and crosses her arms over her chest. "Fine." She looks back down the main aisle towards the way we came from and sighs. "Where's Becca?"

My grin dissolves as I follow her gaze. Becca had the easiest job. She should have been back first.

"Get started, I'll go find her." I slip past her and head back to the freezer section where I saw Becca last.

Shouts come from the front of the store and freeze me in place as the hairs on the back of my neck stand up on end. I can't make out the words but they sound angry and frantic. My cell goes off, making me nearly jump out of my skin as I fumble and drop my phone.

I crouch down and reach under a display, seeing Jonathan's picture flashing on the screen. My heart starts to race as I drop to my knees and crawl under the stand to reach it.

"Izzy? Izzy!" Jonathan shouts. Panic wells in me as I hear his engine roar in the background.

"Jonathan?" I whimper.

"Angel, where are you?"

"At the store still." I stand up and look around but see nothing, yet every fibre of my being is screaming to run.

"Where, Izzy?" Viktor shouts.

"Um... near the back, I'm looking for Becca-"

"I need you to listen carefully to me Izzy," Jonathan starts. His voice is deathly calm but there's something very wrong. "Get out of there-"

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