3 Bewitched

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"No," I whisper, shaking my head before locking my gaze on his. "I want you to go."

Jonathan's face contorts as if I've physically struck him, making my stomach knott. I've already messed up enough, I won't be responsible for sinking his business too.

"Sam, give me five, I've got to take care of something first, yeah I promise I'll call you right back," Jonathan says, never taking his eyes off of me. He turns the phone off and tosses it on the island and closes the gap. Confusion and hurt are written across his face, plain as day and pain me to see so I drop my gaze to the floor.

He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me close. "Is that what you want? For me to go?" There is a raw anguish in his voice that just guts me.

"No," I blurt out, snapping my gaze to his before furrowing my brows. "Yes....ugh. I want you to go, but I don't..."

"Izzy," Jonathan cooes, unsure of how to proceed. He caresses my cheek and I subconsciously lean into his comforting touch, feeling myself instantly calm down a bit.

"I want you to go," I say more confidently. "I'm okay and I won't have you messing up your career over this."

Jonathan recovers, catching onto what I'm saying and smiles softly at me. "This is the most important thing to me," he whispers. "Making sure that you're truly okay is what matters to me."

My chest tightens at his words and the intensity in his eyes. He means every word. He's willing to throw everything away, just because I can't keep it together.

"But what about Sam?" I ask. His expression hardens telling me I've hit a nerve. "He needs you too. I'll be here when you get back."

"No," Jonathan growls and shakes his head. "After that... no, sorry angel but I can't leave you alone. I don't even know how long it will take, I could be gone for a couple days. If you drop-"

"Then I will call you," I whisper.

"Izzy, you couldn't even use your safe word angel..." he trails off, cupping my face. His face is etched in pain as he reflects on last night. "I can't leave you alone right now..."

"What if she's not alone?" Anne counters. "Why don't you come spend some time with me and Jack?"

Jonathan looks from Anne to me and back again and ticks his jaw, torn. He sighs and turns his attention back to me, searching my eyes for any indication of how I feel.

"A change of scenery might be good," Anne suggests, leaving the ball in his court.

"And what do you think?" Jonathan mumbles, caressing soft circles with his thumb on my cheek.

"I think we should both pack a bag, but you need to call your friend back first," I reply, forcing a smile. Jonathan purses his lips but gives a tight nod before letting go and picking up his phone and heading back into the other room.

Hiding my face in my hands, I focus on the loneliness already creeping up on me and push it away. I know he needs to go, I told him to and yet every fiber of my being is screaming for him not to leave.

"It's okay Izzy," Anne whispers, wrapping a comforting arm around my shoulders. "The old man will be back before you know it and everything will be back to normal."

"Normal this morning? Or last night?" I whimper.

"Shhh," she says, pulling me in for a hug. I melt against her, struggling to keep from breaking down as she rubs my back. "Lows suck honey. But you're not alone, I promise you'll feel better in no time."

After a moment, I pull back, having gathered myself and nod. Anne boops the tip of my nose and smiles before letting me go. "Thanks Anne."

"Any time. Now finish your plate so you can pack and help the old man pack, he needs you," she says with a knowing look.

I finish eating, then clean my plate and help clean up while Jonathan paces in the other room, bouncing between business calls and booking flights, all while sounding slightly frustrated. Afterwards I leave Anne in the kitchen and head upstairs to pack. Unsure of how long he'll be gone, I pack an assortment of clothes for a week, just to be on the safe side, knowing I can always come back for more.

Next I go to Jonathan's room and pause just inside. Everything is just like we left it, the sheets are half off the bed, his chest open, clothes discarded. I bend over and collect the dirty clothes, dropping them in the hamper before collecting the sheets. Shaking away negative thoughts I pack all of his toiletries in his away bag, and select an assortment of sleepwear and day wear as well as three of my favourite suits he wears and lay them on the bed for his approval.

My barefoot kicks something on the edge of under the bed, making me step back and look closer. I pick up the collar from last night, and run my fingers over the smooth leather, feeling my stomach twist. Holding it I don't feel any fear, only longing. looking around the room I spot the matching leather cuffs discarded on the floor by the wall.

I grab them too and bring them back to the chest. Thinking back to last night, I remember the excitement I felt, watching Jonathan fasten them up, the thrill that ran through me as he pinned my hands above my with his on the bedpost, leaving me completely at his mercy. Unfortunately I also remember the terror that washed over me rendering me unable to speak...

"Izzy?" Jonathan calls softly from the doorway. I toss the leather into the chest, close the lid and wrap myself around his waist. He instantly responds, holding me tighter. "Oh angel."

"S-sorry," I mumble against his shirt, sniffing loudly.

"Hey there," he cooes, pulling back. "You have nothing to apologize for. Nothing." The finality in his tone stops my protest in its tracks.

How did everything go so wrong?

"You packed?" he asks, changing the subject. Jonathan walks us over to the bed where I have everything staged for his approval and his suitcase waiting. "Izzy have I ever told you what a godsend you are?"

"I wasn't sure what you needed, but figured this was a good start?" I ask, happy for his praise.

"It's perfect, thank you." He lifts my chin for a quick kiss but the moment his lips brush mine, I reach up for another, hooking my hand around the back of his neck. "As if I needed more motivation to hurry back to you," he says with a grin.

I giggle feeling lighter than before and lay my head down on his chest. The steady rhythm of his heartbeat is like my own personal Xanax.

"I'll be back before you know it." The doorbell rings, interrupting our moment. Anne calls up to say the cab has arrived, so I rush to help Jonathan finish packing everything in record time and follow him out.

Leo stands in the front door and smiles as he takes the suitcase and garment bags from Jonathan. Checking himself over once more he turns back to me for one last kiss and holds me close, resting his forehead on mine.

"You've bewitched me... I'm not even gone and I miss you already," he whispers, nuzzling my nose with his. His confession makes my heart do somersaults in my throat.

Maybe I haven't messed this up too much after all.

"Me too," I say, smiling up at him.

"I want you to have a good time with Anne and your friends while I'm gone, okay?" he asks, caressing my jaw. All I can do is nod. "That's my good girl."

"You're going to miss your flight, old man," Anne chides.

"I'm going," he grumbles, glaring at Anne. "Take good care of her, and call-"

"Yes, Jonathan," she groans, rolling her eyes. "I'm sure we can manage for a couple days, isn't that right Izzy?"

Jonathan purses his lips then turns his attention back to me. With one last kiss and an I love you he's gone and my chest tightens, feeling that dreaded loneliness creep in once more.

"Not on my watch," Anne chides, wrapping an arm around me. "Let's go see what kind of trouble we can get into."

I push those negative feelings aside, instead focusing on Anne as she smiles at me and nod. "Lets."

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