61 Hell Hole

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"They're where?!" Viktor shouts, shooting up from his seat. The chair clatters to the floor with a loud crack, startling those around us.

Anne's gaze widens and switches from Viktor to me before drifting behind us to signal someone. My stomach drops and I check my phone but see nothing.

"Why, the fuck would you bring them there?!" Viktor roars. "No! I don't give a fuck what she said... No! Stay fucking put!"

He slams his cell down, sending the device flying across the table before running his hand through his hair.

"Unfucking believable." Viktor leans on the table and levels his gaze at mine. The look on his face tells me I'm about to join him. "We need to go."

I don't question him and follow his lead, tossing some cash on the table to cover my tab and grabbing my coat to head out. Anne joins us a moment later with Tony in tow.

Once outside, Viktor turns to me, visibly shaking. "They're at fucking Dante's hell hole."

My heart drops at the thought of someone so innocent as Izzy going to a place like that. Dante's Den is a poor excuse for a BDSM club and a bit of a stain on the community.

The patrons are more extreme which isn't the problem, it's the way they lure and prey on unsuspecting subs and newbies that has earned them a bad reputation. Consent is considered optional, and their practices are questionable at best.

"Why the hell are they there?!" Anne snaps. She's had her share of run-ins with Dante on many things over the years. If there is one person in life that she truly hates it's him.

Before Viktor can answer, the sleek, black Bliss shuttle pulls up with Taz and Demarcus driving. Normally I would prefer to handle something like this in private but something tells me I'm going to need all the help I can get!

Viktor frowns. "Best guess? They went to see Loni."

"For fucks sake!" I snap. "What has gotten into that woman?"

I want to pace but the speed at which the shuttle races towards its destination makes that nearly impossible. Heat rises as I stew over it. No matter how many times I tell her Loni was the past, she won't drop it.

"Just level with her." Anne purses her lips and crosses her arms over her chest. "You know she's got an active mind-"

"I did!" I pinch the bridge of my nose trying to calm my exploding temper. "She knows Loni was only my play partner... I don't know how many times I have to tell her she doesn't matter to me before she'll believe me."

"Maybe she needed to hear it from her?" Tony asks. He never had the misfortune of meeting Loni.

"That manipulative bitch is the last person Izzy needs to talk to," Anne spits. "She'd get her so twisted around that Izzy wouldn't know which way is up."

"What about the gala?" Tony mumbles. I frown thinking back to that night, knowing Loni said or did something but Izzy never gave me the specifics.

"Tasha no doubt put her up to it. When I get ahold of her," Viktor warns. "She's not going to be able to sit for a week!"

I furrow my brows and tick my jaw as my mind races. Regardless of whatever possessed her to go there, all I can focus on is getting her home before anything happens.

Demarcus pulls up in front of the club and throws the doors wide. The industrial surroundings in this run-down business district do nothing to quell my nerves.

Viktor snaps at a man nearby in Russian but I pay them no mind. My chest tightens, making it hard to breathe as I march up the crumbling front steps.

The front door is bathed in cigarette smoke and flanked by patrons looking more like hyenas than anything else. They mutter, no doubt knowing who we are but don't stop us from entering.

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