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Jonathan doesn't stray from my side as the detectives go over the details of the case. I can feel how he tenses when they switch from talking about the other woman to focusing on me.

Mostly they want to know more about my schedule and help determine any high-risk times during my routine. In addition to their existing efforts to catch my attacker, they're going to increase unmarked patrols and center them around my where abouts, hoping to get lucky.

Detective St. Louis is convinced that Alec will try for me once more. They couldn't find any evidence of criminal history before my attack. Now the latest woman makes three that they know of.

Knowing that someone else will be watching out for me is a strangely comforting notion. That realization is shocking. I've never liked anyone making a fuss over me before but accepting help is something I've been working on.

With the plan ironed out the Detectives get up to head out and Jonathan is only too eager to escort them. Detective Matthews pauses in the doorway, his brows furrowed as he has some inner debate.

"It wasn't our intention to come here and scare you Ms. Turner." His expression looks almost pained as he watches me. "We could be totally off the mark, but we wanted to give you any possible heads up that we could."

"I understand," I reply in a small voice. "And thank you for letting me know."

"Of course. I know this is kind of an oxymoron, but try to relax and live life normally. Go see your friends, just maybe limit your solo excursions," Louis adds. "Just be aware of your surroundings."

"Thank you, we will," Jonathan cuts in. He holds out his hand to signal an end to the meeting. Both men shake then nod to me as they slip out.

He locks the door behind them and lets out a long sigh. His worried brown eyes find mine as he gently hooks my waist and pulls me to him.

"Are you okay?" The rawness in his gaze shows how worried he is for me.

I chew on my lip, knowing he needs an honest answer.

Am I?

"Is it weird to say I am?" I murmur.

Jonathan frowns, clearly not impressed by my answer.

"I mean, nothing has really changed, has it?" I reason. "They didn't catch him after my attack, and he's still not caught... but then I was alone and isolated, now I'm not."

A small smile slips on my lips realizing how big of a change that is. I've spent most of my life without real friends and have only had shallow, superficial relationships.

Now, everything is different.

"No Izzy you're not," he murmurs. "You have so many people who love and care about you, never forget that."

My chest tightens hearing him say it out loud. I know Jonathan loves me, he says it and shows me all the time. I think back to how I was after the attack and that woman feels like a stranger to me now.

"I won't," I promise.

"Come on, let's go relax." Jonathan doesn't even wait for my answer and starts to drag me to the living room.

"Can I go change first?" My clothes are no doubt dirty from work and my damp underwear are less than comfortable.

"Not a bad idea." Jonathan loosens his tie and lets me go. "Why don't you wear the fuzzy blue ones... I like those on you."

I smile and nod, racing upstairs to freshen up and change. By the time I'm ready, Jonathan is already sprawled across the couch with junk food and a blanket at the ready.

How can anyone look equally sexy in sweats and a suit like he does?!

"You do know I can feel you checking me out eh?" He teases. My cheeks heat as I scurry over to him like a kid caught with my hand in the cookie jar.

"Come on." Jonathan pats on his abbs, directing me to snuggle, something I'm only too happy to obey.

The moment I snuggle into place, practically melting into him, Jonathan pulls the blanket over us. "Mmm, this is perfect."

I lay my head on his chest and feel the steady rhythm of his heartbeat lulling me to sleep. Jonathan chuckles.

"How hard did Anne work you today?! Guess I better put on an action movie or you're gonna fall asleep on me." As if to lull me even further, his fingertips trail up and down my back.

"I can't help it," I sleepily murmur. "You make me feel so safe and comfortable... so really it's your fault."

Jonathan goes rigid and shifts to look me in the eye, raising a brow in warning. "My fault hmmm?"

I giggle earning a swat on my butt but the blanket and sweats just muffle it to a soft thud, making me laugh harder. Jonathan spanks me over and over again, leaving us both laughing at his failed attempts.

"Have I told you lately just how proud of you I am?" He tucks my hair back behind my ear and smiles tenderly at me.

"Maybe, but I like hearing it." My voice trails off as I bury my face in his chest, feeling like I might burst into flames.

Jonathan just chuckles and relaxes as he hugs me closer. "I'm serious. You stunned me today. All I could think about was making sure you were okay and you wanted to help. Izzy, you have no idea just how incredible you are!"

My chest tightens as I remember how their visit started. "I also fainted," I whisper.

"You can't control everything. Considering you had that negative of a reaction and came back speaks volumes. Take the win angel," he chides.

I chew on my bottom lip and consider his words. He makes sense. Marilyn always says it's not the fall that defines the person but how they get back up.

"Okay, Sir." I shift my position and look up at him through my dark lashes. "Under one condition."

"Oh?" He muses. Surprise and amusement dance in his eyes as he watches me.

"You have to accept some of the credit for helping me get here." My eyes water and my chest feels tight. I struggle to put into words just how important he is to me and how grateful I am.

"Oh Izzy, honey it is all you, but I will always be with you one hundred percent. ALWAYS."

His promise is everything but I refuse to let him off the hook and try my best to give him a pointed look. Jonathan tips his head back and lets out a hearty laugh, letting me know I must look as threatening as a kitten.

"Fine, fine. For whatever part I've played, I'm more than happy to take all the credit-"

I pounce on him, cutting off his teasing. Instinctively Jonathan grabs my hips as I straddle his ribs. His laughter stops and his expression sobers up.

"Angel, we make the best team," he says with nothing but sincerity. "I don't think there's anything we can't achieve if we put our minds to it."

His statement has me grinning like a dork, but I can't help but roll my eyes.

"Speaking of achieving things... I have a gift for you-"

"You do?! What is it?!" I cut in, unable to contain my excitement.

"It wouldn't be a gift if I told you," he groans. "Besides, after that little eye roll, I don't know if I should give it to you-"

I whimper, feeling my face fall. How could he tell me he has a gift than ungive it. That's so mean! Why tell me at all?!

"Sweet Jezus! Stop," he says with a chuckle. "I'll still give it to you but now you have to wait till tomorrow night."

"But I work tomorrow night." I pout hoping to make him cave.

Jonathan bops my nose and grins. "Izzy, I like to hear you beg and whine, that's not going to work on me."

My jaw drops but the smoulder in his gaze says just how serious he is.

What's a day? I can last that long...

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