41 Izzy vs Brats

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Ordinary but intriguing...

"Just open it already!" Becca is practically trembling with excitement beside me. We've been staring at the perfect black gift box, wrapped with a red ribbon for what feels like an eternity.

"But he didn't say I could," I counter, trying to be the voice of reason. I'm not sure if I'm trying to convince her or myself... either way I'm failing.

"Did he say you couldn't?" She crosses her arms over her chest, eyeing me like she expects me to crack in an instant.

"He said after work he'd give it to me though..."

"Then why did he send it mid-shift? He wants you to peek!" She groans.

"Or he's teasing you?" Jack muses. "Not like a Dom would ever tease their subs just for the fun of it..."

We both glare at him but he's right. Even Jonathan has admitted that he likes to watch me squirm and beg. Lord knows we tease each other enough that Jack could be on to something.

"That sadistic bastard," Becca growls. She reaches out to open the package but I grab her hand to stop her. "What? Why else would he send this with two hours left of your shift?"

"The brat might be on to something," Jack murmurs. He rubs his chin as he looks from the box to Becca and back again. "You could always let her open it then you're in the clear."

"Jack!" I palm my forehead, feeling my resolve crumble.

"No, no, let's hear him out!" Becca grins like a kid on Christmas. I can practically see her salivating at the prospect.

"Lord knows no one can control her, so if she should happen to open it, no one could blame you," he reasons. Becca nods enthusiastically, trying to get me to agree. "That way we get to know what the hell is in the box!"

His logic is sound and so tempting! I've been trying to work and ignore the box since it arrived but this last hour has been an eternity! There's nearly another hour left, it feels like a year!

"Look, you can see her wheels turning," Jack whispers to Becca. "You can see it, she's coming around to our way of thinking... she just needs a little more-"

"Guys!" I whine. The inner struggle is brutal. I want nothing more than to be Jonathan's good girl and to earn that praise, but this is torture!

"Go get Nat," Jack snickers. "She won't be able to resist the three of us!"

"No! Breaks over, let's go!" I have to shove them out of the break room door and bar their way back in. Both pout and whine but eventually give up.

Thank God! Lord knows if I could have resisted any longer.

As if the cosmos see my struggle, Natasha and Viktor take a seat at the big booth in my section. She waves as soon as she spots me. I smile and head right over to take their order.

"Damn Izzy, that is hawt!" Nat hoots, shamelessly checking me out. I tuck my stray hair behind my ear to hide my blush.

"You're well?" Viktor asks. As always he's dressed in an impeccable black suit, tailored to perfectly fit his broad shoulders.

"Very, thank you." My gaze flickers only briefly to him before shifting to Nat. "Vodka and Daiquiri?"

"You know us so well." He chuckles and spreads out in the booth, casually throwing his arms on the backrest.

I nod and dash off to place their order, quickly clearing two tables on the way. Jack has both drinks ready and waiting by the time I get there, letting me drop them off in record time.

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