Chapter 51

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Naomi refused to tell me anything else over the phone, so I made plans to meet her in person. After we ended our call, all I could do was suffer in a cesspool of uncertainty and unknowns.

Your sister wanted to tell both of you about Stevie's real dad.

Was Naomi lying to me?

Or was she being honest?

I stewed over these questions for most of the day before finally snapping out of my stupor. With the weight of Naomi's words looming over me, I called Gray later that evening. This news felt too important to keep to myself. His phone rang twice. It didn't take long for him to answer.

"Hey, Gracie."

A shiver of pleasure ran through me as the deep, soothing timbre of his voice reached through the receiver to tease my senses. As always, I fought against the magnetic hold that Gray seemed to wield over me. I was dating Andrew. I shouldn't be thinking about Gray in this way or his sexy voice. At all. But Naomi's admission left me in a state of confusion where I no longer knew what I wanted from Gray. Or from Andrew.

I didn't know what to think, what to believe, about our situation anymore.

If Gray wasn't Stevie's father, then who was her actual sperm donor?

One of Lydia's exes?

Some random guy she hooked up with for fun?

Had Gray even fucked Lydia?

Or had my sister lied about everything?

I admit, I was on the verge of spiraling. Big time. I didn't have the luxury to lose control, though. Not with Gray on the other end of the receiver, waiting for me to say something. Anything. Pushing aside my inner turmoil, I cleared my throat and forced my attention back to our conversation.

I mumbled, "You got a minute to talk?"

"Sure, what's up?"

"Actually, do you think you can come over?"

"Right now?"

He sounded surprised.

"Y-Yeah," I replied in shaky tones, "I feel like you need to hear this kind of news face to face."

"Shit," Gray muttered under his breath. "Is everything okay, Gracie? Nevermind. I'm on my way. Tell me when I get there."

My chest tightened with unease. "Okay, see you in a bit."

He seemed to sense my distress and reassured me, "Don't worry, I'll be there soon."

Once Gray hung up, I was left to brood on my own once more.

Could this sudden plot twist be a sign from the universe?

If so, the author of my story certainly possessed a sick sense of humor. My poor, overworked brain spiraled some more.

Fuck, what if Gray had never betrayed me?

What if there had never been anything standing in the way of our happily ever after except for our own shortcomings as individuals?

Maybe Andrew wasn't the one for me, after all. Guilt tore through my conscience. For months, I had been struggling to let go of my troublesome feelings for Gray. Andrew was such a great boyfriend. We were so good together, but I knew that I was being unfair to him. Instinct railed against logic. My heart sensed that Andrew and I didn't belong together even though our relationship felt damned near perfect—

Stevie began to whimper from her crib, interrupting my chaotic reverie. I went to check on her and changed her diaper. Afterward, I read Stevie a few board books while she cooed and giggled on my lap. I kept my emotions in check and plastered a smile on my face even though I was dying inside. I refused to project my anxiety onto my baby girl.

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