Chapter 22

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On Saturday morning, I received a text from Gray at exactly 9:16 AM.


I wrote back, What's up?

Is it okay if I show up a little early?

I frowned at his request. What did he mean by a little early?

Anxiously, I tapped out, Stevie's napping right now. She probably won't wake up until 10:00. That's why I asked you to come around 10:00.

His response dinged on my phone a few seconds later.

Oh. :(

Gray's obvious disappointment filled me with guilt. I hadn't meant to come across like a bitch. He was simply excited to see Stevie. I certainly wasn't trying to keep the guy from meeting his own daughter for the first time, but I also learned early on not to fuck around with nap time because it tended to lead to an impossibly cranky baby for the rest of the day.

Before I could compose another message to make amends, Gray texted me again.

This is awkward. I'm actually at your door. I can go wait in my car until 10:00, though. No rush, no pressure.

My eyes popped as I read it. Panic rattled through me.

What the heck? Gray was already here?

The idiot was forty-four minutes ahead of schedule!

It didn't feel right to make him wait outside. Yet, Stevie was still snoozing away in my bedroom, which meant I'd have to deal with Gray on my own for another thirty minutes or so. I wasn't ready to face him without Stevie as my buffer.

My heart felt as though it might leap out of my chest, but I forced myself to stay calm. Breathed in deeply. Breathed out slowly.

I ran my fingers through my damp hair to untangle some of the knots. Thank God I already showered this morning. I didn't have time to put on any makeup, but I quickly changed into a clean pair of leggings and a nicer top. I checked my reflection one last time in the mirror. I looked pale and tired, but, at least, my top didn't have any holes or stains on it.

Good enough.

I scurried over to answer the door. As it swung open, Gray stood before me like a flawlessly formed sun-kissed demigod with his dark skin and pale eyes. The sight of him made my insides clench. His perfection annoyed me. I immediately regretted not putting a little more effort into getting ready just now.

His gray eyes locked onto mine. They softened slightly. "It's good to see you, Gracie."

I ignored the stupid flutter within my chest as I invited him inside. "Good to see you, too, Gray. Come in."

His brow furrowed apologetically. "I'm sorry for barging in on you like this... I know you told me to come later, but I couldn't sit still at home. I was so fucking anxious."

"It's okay," I whispered. "You're Stevie's dad. You should be able to see her whenever you want. Hell, if you promise to be quiet, we can go check up on Stevie right now if you wanna take a little peek..."

His eyes lit up. "Really?"

"But, I swear to God, Gray, if you wake up the baby," I mumbled, "I'm gonna smack you in the face with a dirty diaper."

Gray chuckled uneasily. "Got it. Nap time is serious business."

He followed me into the bedroom. I led him towards Stevie's crib. My niece was sound asleep in her swaddle. Stevie's long, dark lashes fanned out towards her chubby cheeks. Her cherubic mouth was slightly parted. Her eyes were closed at the moment, but they were brown like her mother's eyes. Lydia's eyes. Stevie had Gray's curly black hair, and a pretty olive-toned complexion that was all her own.

Gray's jaw clenched as he gazed down at Stevie. I studied him intently. The forefinger on his right hand started tap-tap-tapping away against his thigh. We stood there together in complete silence. I'd never seen Gray look at anyone the way he was looking at Stevie. He didn't say a word the entire time, but I could feel the onslaught of emotions radiating from his countenance. I had no idea what was running through his head, but the intensity of this deeply surreal and intimate moment unsettled me to the core.

Finally, Gray glanced over to me. He swallowed, hard, as though fighting back tears.

Soundlessly, he mouthed to me, She's beautiful.

My eyes grew watery, too, as I mouthed back, I know.

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