Chapter 1- I don't like your presence.

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*splash* the water made as Ego poured it on her body, holding tight to her sponge.

Oh how she loved her night bath after a long day at the supermarket, with  customers of different personalities and her ever so mean boss, Miss Yinka (a.k.a miss perfect).

No day passed by and that woman didn't yell at her. It's either for being too slow in giving the customers their goods,not watching them move around the supermarket closely or taking too much time in attending to Mr chibuzor, the ever so persistent Mr chibuzor, who Miss yinka referred to as her husband.

The man who was so determined to win her heart,but she knew he was eventually going to get tired and would stop coming to the supermarket everyday.

Literally everyday, he knew her when her shifts were and everything concerning her working in Mrs yinka's shop.

Back to her shower time, ego loved the sound the soap made whenever she rubbed it on her body.

With her kerosene lamp on the wooden shelf used to keep soap,there was no light as NEPA had cut their power supply permanently, because they had no money to pay their electricity bill.

All the income she made was used in paying her brothers' school tuition. Ego had two younger brothers, Emeka and Ebuka. They were twins.

During the day, Ego charged her small phone in her neighbour's house,since there was no power supply in her house. They had not had any power supply for three months.

Their house was an uncompleted building which their mother made cozy by adding some brown curtains. That was the only thing that made the house look more of a home.

Ego soon finished bathing and exited the bathroom, whose wall was plain cement.

She was excited about retiring to bed after having a stressful day at work, even though she spent most of her day at the supermarket reading some nursing books that her best friend Favour, had gifted her on her birthday.

She wanted to read nursing but she didn't see how that was possible. Nonetheless, she wasn't to let anyone stop her,she was going to keep applying for the schlorlarship she wanted.

Ego used her wrapper to wipe her wet body and put on her green gown, which she mostly used for sleeping.

She was about going to bed when her phone made a "ding" notifying her that a message had been sent to her.

She wanted to ignore it,thinking that it was Favour, her friend who always went to bed late. Ego wasn't ready for a chit-chat with her that night.

However, she checked the message nonetheless because she was eager to know what gist Favour had for her this time around.

She noticed the sender of the message was an unknown number on her phone. The message read:

"Hey Jewel"

Ego immediately knew who it was. Nobody else would call her Jewel except for the ever so persistent Mr Chibuzor.

Jewel was her middle name and she didn't quite like that name. She preferred her native Igbo name Ego, and was proud of it even though many people mistook it for the English word ego.

Ego in her native dialect meant money.

It was one of those times that Miss Yinka had trouble pronouncing her name and decided to call her by her middle name and unfortunately,Mr chibuzor was around and had always called her 'my priceless jewel'.

She hissed and was about to block his number when his call came in.

Ego quickly declined the call. Ready for bedtime,she placed her phone underneath her bed and layed down.

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