"You stay here, we'll talk later," said Leon seriously. He shot off like a bolt of lightning. Julen dropped to the ground, he felt defeated, maybe it has all been just an illusion, maybe he had gambled for something that did not exist.

Numa looked at him out of the corner of his eye, he felt sorry for the boy, there was little left of the proud boy he has seen last time, and he realized that the one he was reminded of was not him, but Agustín, he had the same proud look and something in his expression made him think that he was in a similar situation to his friend. And he decided to ask the same question he was asked the second time he met Agustín in a nightclub.

"Hey, do you like to dance?"

Julen turned his head and glared at him with hatred. He wouldn't answer him, at least he didn't see him with the intention of doing so.

Numa took off his slip and put on, to Julen's surprise, a kind of black thong, and on his hips, along the same line, he put on a thin leather belt from which hung strips whose ends ended in funny little golden bells.

"Would you like to come on stage with me?" he asked, couldn't think of anything better.

Julen looked at him with curiosity, while Numa put some golden bracelets on his right arm, and then on his left arm, he estimated that he had put about thirty on each arm, and most of them were different, and two of them had the same little bells as the ones hanging from that strange belt he had put on his hip.

"What do I have to do?" he asked curiously.


Rodrigo looked worriedly to the sides, Leon disappeared again and naturally with Emmanuel, that would only bring them problems if the boss discovered them. He looked at the clock, it was already late, the lights went out and only two large spotlights of a soft blue light were concentrated on the small stage elevated about 2 meters high.

The lights suddenly changed color to a powerful and bright red. People looked on expectantly. Rodrigo saw something move in the darkness, Leon appeared next to him.

"Whew, just in time."

"Where the fuck did you go?" whispered the other.

"Aish, if I were to tell you, By the way, how long was I away?

"About 20 minutes, but I thought you wouldn't show up anymore. It's the second break you make, let's see how you pay for it.

"Rodriguito with gold, I just had one of those memorable fucks "

"You're the worst."

"I know, don't envy me Rodri, it was with a guy and not with a girl."

"Yes, it's easier for you. I need hours of hard work to get laid in 20 minutes, I should have been born a homo."

"Not only homo, but with sex appeal like mine."

Rodrigo pushed him laughing under his breath, he was going to tell him something but a drum roll startled them to silence them. There were murmurs and Rodrigo glanced at Leon, his eyes fixed on the stage as he seemed to hold his breath. The stage was dark. A voice broke the silence, it was a woman's voice, a fine and soft voice intoned some delicate notes but with a force that the only thing that achieved was that one was restless waiting for what was to come. The drums sounded in the background with a pause of seconds in which one could hear again that feminine voice intoning a sweet melody.

The lights focused on the stage and the figure of Numa appeared in the middle, imposing as he always used to appear in the performances he gave, drawing exclamations from the audience. He wore on both arms and legs an almost infinite line of golden bracelets, his skin reflected a dark and shiny color and his hair combed neatly backwards was impregnated with a kind of glitter. Leon took a good look at him, the body he had was wonderful, from his strong, straight shoulders to the line of his firm thighs.

The music based mainly on the resonating of a drum and the soft sound of tambourines blended in a perfect and harmonic way with the somewhat techno melody that closed the musical context. Numa walked slowly forward, and accompanying the sometimes soft and provocative rhythm of the music, he began to move slowly. His movements were undulating and sensual, he moved his hands delicately rattling the bracelets hanging from his wrists, he turned to accompany the soft voice of the woman, and moved his hips, with brief and dry belly movements, which caused several of the spectators to hold their breath. He glided across the stage, briefly rattling the bracelets on his feet to a rhythm that perfectly matched the accompanying music.

It was a slow music that invited to move in a sensual way, Leon remembered that the dance that Numa performed resembled a typical east country dance that he had seen once on television but he could not imagine where Numa had learned something like that, the undulating movement that he performed with his belly had left him stunned.

Numa returned to the center of the stage, swaying his hips, he would slam his hips to one side and let the bracelets on his hands jingle and then to the other side repeating the same action. Numa stood on his back as he let his hips move on their own giving the audience the incredible sight of his thighs shaking to the rhythm of the music. Suddenly the movement ceased as the drums fell silent and the woman's thin voice came back to flood the air with a sweet melody, lyrics in an unknown language loaded with sentiment. Golden hands ran down his back, slowly caressing his buttocks and sliding down his legs until they reached his ankles hidden by the bracelets. A young man covered entirely in gold paint slid down between Numa's legs and gently sat up and pressed his body against Numa's. Leon looked at him and couldn't believe it.

It had to be Julen, he was wearing a red glitter mask that surrounded his eyes giving the impression that he was wearing a mask. But because of his height and physical build, it had to be him. Leon wondered how he had gotten to the stage.

The drums burst with force, startling the people who watched the spectacle in awe. Numa turned around and this time his hands rested on the young man's chest, the dark brown hands running over that skin delicately making the bracelets on his arms rattle, he pressed him against his body at the same time that the drums were silenced and the soft music was charged with a rusticity that made the skin bristle, their bodies shook gently and the young man bent slowly until he was on his knees with his arms stretched forward and his head hidden between them. The drums echoed in the air again, accelerating the rhythm of the music. Numa on top of the young man began to undulate his body creating a rhythm with the tinkling of his bracelets, a rhythm that was crescendoing and on par with the rhythm of the drums.

The song came to an end and the rhythm of the drums was incessant, the woman's voice seemed to increase in volume, the young golden boy shook in his arms and sat up with an expression of pleasure, resting his head on Numa's shoulder who had one of his hands on his chest and the other resting on his thigh near his crotch, the music stopped and the lights went out, and in the complete silence the soft tinkling of his bracelets was heard again.

The crowd began to clap and cheer. Leon turned and tossed his hair back as he turned to Rodrigo.

"I think I need a drink."

"Fuck how that guy dances, it's incredible..."

Leon had grabbed a fresh beer from the fridge and was drinking it eagerly.

"You, ok?".

"It's easy for you, you haven't had any trouble with either of them, if I had to make a threesome, I wouldn't think twice, Numa, and Julen."

"And do you think they'll want to share a bed?"

"NO! But since dreaming doesn't cost anything..."

Rodrigo laughed as Leon slipped away again before he could say anything.

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