Found & Taken [16]

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Thank you @melissaroxx48 for the really awesome and beautiful banner at the side :) x

Nathan's P.O.V

We arrived to Jay's apartment and he told me to get seated on his sofa with Tom while Siva, Max and Jay himself went to different parts of the apartment to get something.

"What's wrong with your leg?" I asked Tom who was seated next to me, studying my face while I sat there awkwardly.

"You don't remember?" Tom responded with a question of his own.

"Remember what?"

Tom was about to answered when Jay, Max and Siva all came back at the same time. Jay had a cup of coffee in his hand while Max had some clothes and towel with him.

"I have heat up the water, you might wanna have a shower first, Nath," Siva told me. I nodded, really in need of shower after several hours in the plane.

"Here's some clothes," Max told me next.

I nodded again, really feeling exhausted from the runaway I made. I got up for a shower but Jay offered me a cup of coffee which I willingly gulped down and got into the shower.

Tom's P.O.V

The door to the bathroom closed and I gathered the boys closer to me and started talking, "This was shocking, but I was expecting this."

"Yeah! I told you guys that he's not dead and there's no need for all those stupid funerals," Jay said, already in a pissing off tone.

"Relax, Jay," I calmed him because there are some things way much important than to argue within ourselves, "We should be thankful that Nath is back and we have yet to hear any story from him. But the thing is, he don't remember some things. He asked about what happened to my leg, which means that he didn't remember that we had an accident in the plane."

"I don't care about whatever it is. All I know that, he's back and he ain't going anywhere," Jay snapped and got up.

I looked to Siva and Max and inquired, "So what are we supposed to do?"

"I think we should just let him have a rest first and listen to his explanations before telling him about the accident," Siva suggested.

"I agree," Max supported and the problem was almost sorted.

The next day...

Nathan's P.O.V

I woke up, feeling satisfied with the sleep I had on Jay's cozy bed. I haven't had them in 2 months. Well, actually I did. Because I had Bella in my arms while asleep. But I'm not gonna think about her now. I got out to the living room and it was empty. I saw a note on the table with a few plates of food.

Found & Taken - Nathan Sykes Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now