Found & Taken [6]

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Isabella's P.O.V

I woke up, feeling uncomfortable with the pain that strikes my back due to the hard ground. I groaned. I should have accepted Nathan's offer to let me sleep on the bed and he, on the floor. But, we both knew that he needed the bed more than I do.

He told me that he didn't feel any pain through his back anymore but I could tell that he was lying because now and then, he would wince and I saw his body, automatically stiffen.

I felt bad when he told me he would try to be a good boyfriend to me, because truth was, we're not even together. I didn't know I was capable of lying, up this far. Where has the plan of bringing him back to his group mates and befriends with them, gone to? But, what else could I do? I had already lied to him. What would he think if I were to tell him the truth? Plus, it will confuses him even more if I were to start explaining that he was from a band of UK and blah blah blah.

I got up from the floor and started folding my 'blanket' when I realized the bed was empty. Where was Nathan? I threw the towel on the ground and fled to the bathroom. It was wide opened, which meant that Nathan couldn't be inside. Shit! Where could he be? Would he have run away, because he doubt that I was his girlfriend? I don't care if he didn't believed me, but he don't have to run away. He won't know the routes to the city and not many people in Indonesia may understand his accents.

I opened up the main door, and it was...raining? No wonder it was cold. Wait, what? Raining? Where could Nathan have gone to, especially in the heavy rain. Or he had possibly, woke up way much earlier than I had, and had tried his luck to get away from this.

"Looking for me?" A voice startled me. I turned around, to the left side of the door.

"Nath!" I squealed in relieved. He hadn't run away, and he was soaking wet. "Where had you gone to?"

"I got this," he answered, and showed me what he had in his arms. It was a light brown cat.

"A cat?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Yeah. I heard the meow sound when I was sleeping and it was really loud. So I came out of the cabin and tried to locate where the sound came from and I found her. She must have lost her way here in the woods," Nathan explained, "Do you think we should keep her?"

"Whatever, come get inside. It's raining heavily," I responded and pulled him in. He nodded and I took the cat from his arms, and placed it near the bathroom before tossing him a towel. He took off his shirt and I blushed a little at the sight of his beautiful abs. Shit! *Fan-Girl Mode On*

"You're blushing!" Nathan exclaimed excitedly. Shit! I was caught.

"I'm not!" I argued.

"Liar," Nathan teased as he dried his hair.

"Whatever. How did you know that the cat is a female?" I asked, trying to stall away from the blushing topic. That was embarrassing!

"I don't know? I just did," he stated, "By any chance, do I have any pet cats before I...forgot everything?"

Found & Taken - Nathan Sykes Fan FictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora