Found & Taken [11.2]

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Thank you @northerntrash for the really fantastic banner at the side! :) x

Nathan's P.O.V

I watched as Bella prepared breakfast for the two of us and Bethan. She was frying some food which I wasn't sure of because her small figure blocked the view. A minute later, she placed a bowl of milk in front of Bethan and Bethan started licking them greedily. She then walked to me and placed a plate in front of me while she took the empty space next to me.

"I made you, french toast," she told me happily. I responded a thank you with a kiss on her cheeks. I loved it when she was on her happy mood, which was all the time. Even when some things upset her or made her mad, it wouldn't last long and she will be cheerful again.

She blushed as my lips lingered her cheeks for a good 30 seconds. I chuckled and she turned even redder. I picked up a piece of her hand-made french toast and took a bite. It wasn't those extravaganza taste that all boyfriends would tell their girlfriend, but it was satisfying.

"It's nice. Thank you, love," I told her. She clapped both of her hands, cheerfully and grinned.

"It's my first time making a successful one. They said it's easy but I kept burning them on my previous attempts," she told me before walking away to make me tea.

"You not eating, love?" I asked because she only prepared a plate for me.

"Nope!" she answered simply.

"And when was the last time I saw you eat something?" I asked again. Honestly, I don't seem to see her eating anything lately.

"I do eat, you just didn't see it. And I'm on diet, as well," she told me and winked. I felt like melting from her wink but I didn't, because I was worrying about her not eating.

"Are you sure you're on diet or are you starving yourself?" I asked, again. "Wait! You don't have to answer. Come next to me now and eat with me!"

"I don't....." she started but I interjected.

"I'm not asking," I stated firmly. She gave in and walked back to the empty space that she occupied earlier and I shoved a piece of french toast inside her mouth. She rolled her eyes and I giggled at that before placing a kiss on her cheeks.

She loves to roll her eyes and in return, I would always kiss her on the cheek. Like recently when we were at the lake. I was supposed to accompany her to wash the clothes but I was getting bored and tossed myself into the lake.

~ Flashback ~

"Stop splashing the water, Nathan!" Bella told me sternly.

I pouted and asked her childishly, "Why you don't call me, baby? Or darling? Or sweetheart?"

"Seriously, Nath!" Bella folded her arms, already getting frustrated.

"Yeah, I will stop if you call me baby or darling or sweetheart," I requested.

"Fine! Baby, will you please stop splashing the water?" she asked in a mocked childish manner. I grinned in victory, but I wasn't planning to stop splashing the water. I went near her and quickly pecked her on the lips before splashing water to her again.

"Nathan!" she screamed.

"No, love. It's baby," I informed her, still trying to irritate her. I started running within the lake when I saw Bella already approaching towards me. I almost managed to got away from her when I tripped on the water (if that's even possible) and fell.

Bella jumped on top of me and started tickling me. She started laughing when I begged her to stop but eventually stopped when she realized that we were both soaked in water.

"Look! You made me wet," she complained.

I wanted to reply her with something else when I realized she had said something quite odd, so I teased her instead, "Ooh, I made you wet?"

She, too, realized how odd that sounded and quickly came out with another sentence, "I don't mean it that way, I was trying to say that you soaked me!"

I laughed very loudly, causing Bella to hit me really hard on the chest. "Alright, alright, don't be mad," I coaxed but she rolled her eyes.

Here comes her weakness; a kiss on her cheeks.

~ End of Flashback ~

It has been two months since I woke up to this cabin and I'm all used to everything, as long as I was with Bella. Though I was still feeling guilty since I was the one who came out with idea for us to live in the small cabin. Bella seemed to just go with anything that I decided because she loved me. How do I know? It was clear, in her eyes. But sure with all the hardships that we're going through, Bella would want to feel a proper date, have a romantic dinner and all those sweet stuffs couples do.

She never complained about it, which I was thankful for. But deep down, I believed that she would want to have them. Heck, even I want to take her on a proper date and romantic dinner. I just couldn't. We can't go out because our family members might recognize us and I'm shortage of money.

"Alright, I'm done eating. You finished up yours, while I need to go to the lake to wash some clothes because the other time we managed to wash none," she told me and picked up the pile of dirty clothes before shooting me a 'you better remember what you did the last time'.

"Alright, I'll come over later with Bethan," I told her and got up to place a kiss on her forehead. She responded with a kiss of her own on my cheeks before she left.

I finished up my breakfast and took my towel for a shower but my eyes caught something else in Bella's opened beg. My wallet. My passport. My phone. I reached for all of them and opened up my wallet to find a thick amount of notes in pounds. Nothing is impossible, I thought to myself.

I needed to go, if that was the only thing I could do.

Found & Taken - Nathan Sykes Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now