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Three weeks later.

Autumn was finishing buttoning up her coat as she glanced outside the window.

It was early in the morning. The sun bloomed high in the sky, though it wasn’t nearly as warm. It was still winter after all and the whole maze and garden was filled with snow.

She just thought of all that happened in the last three weeks.

Two days right after the end of the war, they had a funeral from a person very close to Malfoy.


Malfoy took care of everything related to the funeral, he found out where his wife and son were buried and he made Henry’s grave next to them.

The day of Henry’s funeral there were lots of people. The kids from the village all came alongside Laney. The brothers Matthew and Andrew. All the voluntaries. Everyone that Autumn saw in the village that was still alive was there. Their friends came too, despite having little or no interaction at all with Henry. Andromeda and a few Order members were there to, they went to all the funerals they could in order to honor the sacrifice the people made.

He had no family still alive sadly. The closest people to him still made a speech and after everybody left but the two of them, Draco told a few words to Henry as a goodbye, now there was some tears. Autumn placed their flowers on top of his grave next to all the others surrounding it.

That wasn’t the only funeral they had.

After the war she and Draco just went back to their house for a few days, until they got the news about Lucius being found dead five days after in the Malfoy Manor. He had died of insanity; she didn’t know if that was even possible but it was what they had been told.

He was found sat in his couch; eyes opened but the life drawn out of them. They even inquired Tonky if she knew something about it. She claimed that she didn’t know her Master had died, she was only allowed to enter the living room when called, and he never called again.

Draco refused to make him a proper funeral, but Autumn had him convinced, it wasn’t easy, but she managed to make him get a grave for his father. No matter what he deserved to at least rest, everybody deserves it.

The only condition he had implanted was that he wouldn’t be buried next to Narcissa which was completely reasonable. He was still buried in the little graveyard where were all Malfoy’s ancestors buried, Narcissa included, but he was buried far away from her, and his stone had only his name and nothing more, no sentence from loved ones. Nothing.

The day of the funeral, Draco just stood there for mere respect, Autumn next to him all the time. Only the two of them. Their friends insisted on coming but Draco refused, said he was fine. He didn’t shed a single tear for his father’s death, nor did he say any word at all. He did wear a black suit such as Autumn. He wore it for a week and then started using more colors as green or grey.

He was a person of black colors either way, so it didn’t make much difference.

No matter what Draco said, Autumn knew him like no one else did, and she could tell that he was at least slightly affected for Lucius death. Perhaps just regret for not speaking with him one last time. Nonetheless he was affected, which was why he was so quiet the day he got the news and the day of the funeral.

So, they just came to live in the Manor, though it took some days of hard work to actually enjoy the house. Draco wanted to erase every trace of his father from the house, and every trace that connected him to Voldemort or anything related with Death Eaters. From portraits to clothes he removed everything from his father. He kept everything inside a room though, apparently, he couldn’t actually get rid of them, but Autumn didn’t make any sort of comment about that.

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