Chapter 28

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My eyes roamed the page as if I had just witnessed a vicious murder.

The enchantments Malfoy wrote down could actually work, and the way he planned it was almost flawless, and I was petrified for it.

Early in the morning, Malfoy woke me up to do some researches with me. Even last night we read some stuff and books that mentioned powerful and quick enchantments that could keep the Death Eaters at bay.

Malfoy wrote down the enchantments that could work, since yesterday’s progress he seemed more excited, the fierce glint of his eyes burned hot it was as if it scorched my skin. He seemed so much motivated and hopeful; in the two months I had been here I had never seen him like this.

And his good mood shattered mine.

For even Malfoy, who told me he didn’t have barely any hope left for the Order, to be actually believing that they could win, then there was a very good reason to actually be scared.

“Tell me why haven’t you thought about this before.” I glanced at Malfoy.

Malfoy was standing next to me, we both were looking over the parchment in my hands, standing next to the desk.

He shrugged. “I remember it crossing my mind a few months back, but the Order didn’t had nearly people enough for it to actually work, and even with Granger gone and more causalities to treat, I think they might have a chance now with so many rebellions on the move.” He explained.

Voldemort’s throne was already warded against anyone who tried to barge in, Death Eater or stranger, they wouldn’t be able to. I had hoped Malfoy didn’t know that so he would just waste his time looking for a spell, but he had been in Voldemort’s throne room once, and he knew it was warded, not to mention it would be quite obvious anyway.

What we were trying to look for, were powerful spells that could lock the doors in a way that it couldn’t be unlocked from the other side, or that it would take a long time to do it so.

Colloportus was out of question, it’s counter-charm was Alohomora, and even an eleven-year-old kid could manage that spell. Malfoy had written a variety of other charms we could use, some of them were so ancient and out of use that not even I remember ever study them.

I glanced from one parchment to the other. Where Voldemort’s room was drawn.

I grabbed the chair to sit myself as I studied the map and its precision. Malfoy hovered by my side as I carefully traced all the lines that meant different walls and doors.

This map wasn’t a stolen one, this was a drawn made by Malfoy according to what he remembered since he had last been there three years ago.

I was stunned and bewildered at how precise the map was, the drawn was clear enough to understand its composition, and all this was from what he remembered.

“When did you drawn this?” I asked.

“A while after I deserted, I tried to place everything I knew into that, but now I want you to tell me if anything relevant changed and what, and all the ways the Death Eaters could barge in.” Malfoy replied.

It was amazing how he managed to recall so many things, it was far from being flawless but it definitely was a good map, enough to understand some tactics positions, and the advantages we could get in there.

The fact Malfoy knew so much even after he deserted about the Ministry was rather unsettling, if he knew all this, what about the Order, he must have told them many, many things that was for sure. It would be obvious, however, no one thought Malfoy to remember or even know so much of Voldemort and the Ministry.

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