Chapter 32

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The soft lilting of birds soothed my ears and I buried myself deeper against the mattress if only to sleep longer.

I shifted many times in the bed, unable to fall back on sleep, which only made me get even more awake and I ended up giving up.

I opened my eyes and heaved a yawn. I sat up in the bed and looked around finding me alone in Malfoy’s room.

I saw myself wondering if I wanted him to be next to him when I awoke.

I shock my head and chased away my thoughts. I closed my eyes and focused on my mind, trying the hardest to gain back my walls, the only ones I completely trusted.

I surprised myself when it revealed being easier than it was lately. I managed to secure my walls and obscure most thoughts that I deeply wanted to avoid and hide away. I almost sighed in relief.

I wasn’t regretted for having sleeping here last night, Malfoy’s theory – despite what I thought – actually worked. I didn’t have any nightmare for the rest of the night while I slept next to him.

However, I needed to get another way to ease them, because I surely would not spend another night with Malfoy.

The smell of coffee stood me up quickly from the bed.

I dressed some clean clothes, all in black, just like the last two days. I knew it was what you’re supposed to do when you’re mourning someone dearly to your life and I most certainly was mourning a lot of them at this moment.

I walked until the door and opened until a deeper warmth flew through me, coming from the fireplace. I glanced around and spotted Malfoy by the kitchen, most probably making some coffee for himself for the looks of it and for the strong yet soft smell of coffee in the room.

As I stepped inside, I glimpsed the pile of parchments and books on top of his desk that I had not seen before. My curiosity immediately made me touch one of the books that caught most of my attention.

A book, bounded in faded black leather with some purple stripes.

Secrets of the Darkest Art.

I furrowed, the name didn’t seem friendly at all, depending on the circumstance of course. It was the reason that Malfoy had it that let me unsettled.

“Why do you have this?” I asked firmly, turning my gaze for Malfoy that still hadn’t noticed me yet.

He swirled his head around, eyes wide with surprise. “Edens.” He said startled.

He grabbed two black mugs of coffee and turned to me. They were steaming hot and I felt my mouth water, but I remained focused on my point.

“How did you pass the night?” He asked innocently.

“Pretty well, why do you have this?” I repeated firmer this time, I had to admit, Malfoy working around with this book left me feeling dread inside me.

He took a sip from his coffee. “I see you woke with energy.” He said playfully.

I gave him a warning look.

He sighed and sat down in the chair, placing both mugs on top of the desk. I crossed my arms in front of my chest waiting for him to explain himself.

Surely this belonged to the many things he didn’t told me, he would never want me to find out he was reading this book, it would explain why he looked so startled by me, or maybe just the fact I spoke completely out of the blue. Either way he most definitely wouldn’t have an explanation that I would like, and I could even consider myself lucky if he even gave me an explanation at all.

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