Chapter 14

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My eyes burned with exhaustion as I studied all my chances of winning this dammed war.


he night bloomed from the window into the dim light room, the only source of light strong enough for me to read was perhaps my Lumos.

I’ve been trying to sleep for hours, but I’m restless, it has been like this since that plan of killing Malfoy came to me on my birthday.

I did read his book, and I have to admit, it was quite entertaining, but it made me forgot for a few seconds of my own reality and made me a bit careless about my research.

I was sat at Malfoy’s desk in the living room, peering over the Ministry map, I had to be careful to not wake Malfoy, due to the fact being that I wasn’t working what he would think I was – which is finding a way of getting us out of the Ministry in safety and according to Malfoy’s craving revenge.

I was indeed doing that, but probably I would have already come out with a plan if I wasn’t trying to concoct a plan that would need forces from the Order as well. I’ve realized that if I did so, then Malfoy would need to reunite with them. The only thing left is to find out if they would willingly invite us to the Order hideout, or mark a meeting like the last one.

That information I had to snatch it from Malfoy but I hadn’t yet been willingly to risk inquiring that.

I was exhausted yet I knew if I tried, my mind wouldn’t succumb to rest and sleep. My eyes may feel heavy but my mind is filled with energy.

My attention was only focused on the war room, the place where Malfoy told me we were supposed to get in, which only complicated my plans all the more.

I knew the fireplace Malfoy mentioned, and that’s where my problems start, the room maybe empty, but the hallway outside would not, two people alone – specially one of them wanted for treason – would already be hard enough to pass unseen, but with a whole army of the Order, there was just no way.

Of course, I knew it would never come to this, the plan still had to be practically flawless for Malfoy to believe and to the Order think it’s safe for them too. Basically, I was trying to plan the impossible.

I sighed in defeat and focused on what Malfoy intended for me to do, so far, he hasn’t rushed me, but I doubted his patience would remain still much longer. If I didn’t manage a plan to get us out in safety, Malfoy would stick with his mad plan of blowing up the Ministry.

The silence in the room soon became so heavy that the clock ticking in the distance echoed in my ears like the rhythm of a heartbeat, each minute that passed was perhaps some friend of mine injured in the battle against Switzerland.

I tried to ignore that ticking, it was annoying me at the most, messing up with my mind which was already a storm of problems that haunted my steps and cursed my thoughts, it became louder at each beat, as if it was trying to penetrate my ears and become the last blow that made my mind finally explode in madness.

I turned around with my wand still in my hand and pointed the light still eradiating from it at the clock.

“Reducto!” I snapped before thinking twice.

The clock shattered in pieces and fell to the floor, the crash made enough sound to echo through all the house. I knew I had fucked up as soon as I heard rushing steps echoing in the door right next to me.

The door slammed open and Malfoy stood at the entrance, wand in hand, shirtless.

He eyed the room carefully, his wand illuminating his field of vision, the light in mine had extinguished the second I throwed the spell against the clock, Malfoy had only an obscured vision of me.

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