Chapter 12

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I was peacefully reading a book when was startled by a loud thump of books hitting against wood.


alfoy was with a pile of books on top of his desk while he was with his arms crossed, peering down at me.

I grunted was I sat up straight. “What?” I asked, he was eager to share something.

He cleared his throat. “So, hmm, I think I have an idea.” He said.

“Yeah, I can clearly see that, now will you show it to me or have you disturbed my reading up just because you hate me that much.” I hissed grumpily.

“About the map, and how we are going to get out.” He certified, and I waved for him to carry on. “I thought about it and- “I cut him off.

“You realized I was right this whole time and you have to resist your urge for revenge with the Masked Death.” I assumed. “Took you long enough.”

He scoffed. “Not even close.” He said, and I throwed him a glance of disappointment. “I had an idea to get out safely, and also fight the Masked Death and bring some damage to the Ministry.” He explained.

I sank in the couch, and let my eyes fall closed, my body wasn’t remotely up to standing up. “Spit it out.” I said at Malfoy.

“Basically, we just blow up the Ministry.” He clarified.

My eyes snapped open. “What?” I shouted in disbelief.

He furrowed his brows at my reaction. “Why are you so shocked?” He asked.

“Well probably because that it’s madness, you can’t possibly blow the whole Ministry, the number of bombs and supplies we would need would be huge, not to mention that we are only two, we would need an army.” I argued, even though that was not the real main reason of my shock.

“I didn’t say it was the whole Ministry.” He argued. “We’re just going to blow up what we need to block the Death Eaters from attacking us, sort of what we did at Diagon Alley.” He explained.

Still that idea seemed to exact path I was taking for my nightmare to be real, it has tormented me for the last few days, sometimes we I looked at Malfoy, all I saw was that cold expression I saw reflected on my nightmare, since then I have avoided looking at him at all.

“Yeah, and those same Death Eaters found another way to us five minutes later.” I argued.

“I know, and I have that fixed.” He assured.

I sighed. “And?”

“And when we were at Diagon Alley, we didn’t know it’s paths, different passages, but now we know every single path in the Ministry, all we need, is to make sure we can corner the Death Eaters in some dead end.” Malfoy said.

“Well then they would be able to lift the wreckage from the explosion easily and we would be attacked just the same.” I said.

“That’s where you are mistaken.” His tone was full of pride for himself.

I raised an eyebrow and drifted my gaze to him. “Come again?” I warned.

“This is only a measure to gain us time, after we cornered the Death Eaters, the time it would take the dust to settle and for them to lift the wreckage would be more than enough for us to escape.” He assured.

I shook my head slightly. “So that’s your plan? Blow up all the walls you can throughout the Ministry until you reach the Masked Death and confront them?” I hissed.

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