Chapter 7

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I was sat in the warmth of the fireplace, reading peacefully a book I picked up from the shelve.


he storm had lasted for two days, but it had settled down by the time I awoke, I was craving for one of those Malfoy’s coffees but I had no idea how to make it so I went for a ginger tea with a slip of milk.

I grabbed the mug from the small table, and took a long slip from it-

I barely chocked on my tea when the door from Malfoy’s bedroom was abruptly thrown open, startling me.

Malfoy was already dressed in his usual comfy black clothes, his brows furrowed in concern, at first, he didn’t seem to acknowledge me, his gaze was completely focused on the newspaper he carried in his hands.

I looked down at myself, I’d slipped my tea all over me from Malfoy’s turbulent entry. I dropped the mug at the table and quickly cleaned my clothes with a charm. All the while Malfoy was pacing back and forth with his gaze glued on the opened newspaper in his hands.

“Everything all right?” I asked as I placed my wand back in my pocket.

Malfoy came to and halt, he scratched his forehead and then turned his gaze to me. “You heard about the war at France, right?” He asked and I nodded. He walked over to me, handing me the Daily Prophet. “Switzerland planted a trap, and the war expanded to the northeast of France, the causalities are still growing.”

My eyes widened at his words, I quickly took the paper from his hands, and read the very first page of the front of the Daily Prophet.

France Suffers Unexpected Attack

The battle between France and Switzerland stretches to northeast.

Report by Rita Seeker.

This last Monday, France has been misled by Switzerland. While their forces focused on protecting the border with Switzerland, where the war has taking placed by the last few weeks, Switzerland opted to strike from the north, using the alliance with Netherlands and Belgium to travel in secrecy in direction to France. Despite having the usual number of military forces securing the borders, they were outnumbered.

The Ministry of Magic sent forces to help secure the border as soon as word got out, having no magic the Switzerland forces fell, but not without leaving a trail of destruction throughout the border.

Causalities are still being count, the enforcements are removing the bodies from the wreckage, but our trusting fonts say that at least one hundred France militaries died, almost two hundred gravely injured, and six Death Eaters sent by the Dark Lord were harmed.

Some fonts of mine commented that the Ministry of Magic has failing a lot lately, including in safe measures and in attack. Is the Dark Lord falling? Is the Masked Death between the forces at France? Is the Order behind all this? Are we-

I stopped reading, I didn’t need Rita suppositions to ruin my day, I’ve had enough of that woman walking around the Ministry, and she did nothing but make me hate her more.
I dropped the newspaper to my lap a headache was surely starting to form in the mess that it was my mind.

I turned to Malfoy, trying to hide my unsteadiness the best I could. “Well, this is good right, I mean the Death Eater are losing.” The words felt like pure treason in my tongue as I forced them out, specially because it was true.

“Yeah, yeah right…” He nodded, but looked away from me, to stare at his hands resting on his lap.

Since the conversation he has been quite distant, which was no good to me, but it was logical for me to just let him be for at least some time, if I seemed too eager to win his trust to quickly that would only draw attention.

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