Chapter 22

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People say that sometimes, you feel like you’re falling.

Your whole world crumbles beneath your feet, unease picks at your skin like needles and you see your whole life flashing through your eyes.

It’s very similar to dying, expect when you fall, you hit the ground, and with it the crushing weight of a thousand decisions you made, sentences you heard, blame that you carry. It all comes back to you in an apex.

I felt like this, the world had stopped moving, and suddenly everything felt cold and small around me, as of the air itself had become thicker, and the forest had somehow become tighter.

My eyes were wide and my heart was pumping, I felt it in my ears, and in my head, an insufferable sound to support, as if it was about to exploded and shatter to the ground like glass.

I was falling, but I was falling into a hollow, with no ground for me to hit. And all that done with mere words, a whisper that almost removed all the air from my lungs.

There are many types of falling, and now, this was exactly how I felt after listening those two words leaving Malfoy’s lips.

I was frozen into the ground, staring at his unmoving figure, sat in the cold snow, giving no further explanation to his words that are leaving my mind go insane. I couldn’t even move; my muscles didn’t allow it.

“What do you mean it’s over?” My voice was barely more than a whisper, but I could tell he listened, even the sound around us seemed to decay and fall.

I surveyed Malfoy take a sip from the whisky bottle he had; the endless waiting was leaving my fingers twitching in nerves.

“It’s over.” He repeated. “Granger, the Order, the war. It’s all lost.” He said, his voice was firm, even though if a little affected by the alcohol.

I was about to open my mouth to blurt out the endless of questions lingering in my mind and piercing it like hot knives, burning everything, until I glimpsed something being moved by the wind, among snow a few feet away from Malfoy.

A Daily Prophet.

Without question I descended from the small porch and grabbed it. Surely it would be of better explanation that the drunk Malfoy ever could, mumbling empty words that left one in the need for air. Shaking the snow out of it I read whatever was written on it.

War Criminal Hermione Granger Has Been Relocated

Rumors from a rescue attempting from the Order, have made the Ministry change Granger’s currently prison.

Report by Rita Seeker

These last few days some rumors have been spreading, that the Order had been planning a rescue for Hermione Granger. Alongside the aid from the ex-Death Eater, Draco Malfoy after he last escaped from the Ministry itself nearly two months ago, the Order would now attempt to rescue their Golden Girl.

As a security measure, the Dark Lord decided better to relocate the war criminal current location, with no one but a pair of Death Eaters knowing it’s true location.

Fonts say that this rescue is related to the massacre that happened in the current war between France and Switzerland, however, no one had confirmed for sure, whether the Order is found among the Switzerland armies or not.

Our photographers caught the moment where the Death Eaters removed Granger from her cell, but no one made any further comments nor revealed where the new location of Granger’s imprisonment would be.

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