Chapter 9

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I opened my eyes to find the flames from the fireplace peering at me.

My body argued with soreness when I sat up straight in the couch, I rubbed at my eyes and throwed a sight at the window, flashing strong light through it that landed right in my eyes.

I stretched my body and stood up, the day before I had predicted that my body would wake up tired from the fight, that my eyes would be too heavy to open my lids, however I was surprised to find myself only with soreness all over my legs and a bit of pain on my bandaged arm, even to just stand was hard enough.

I changed my clothes quickly before Malfoy could appear in the room, and made a quick job with my wand to turn the bed back in a leather couch in the middle of the living room.

I sat in the couch, letting my thoughts settle in, and wondered I might have a coffee, or a tea. What I truly wanted was to learn how to do those Malfoy special coffee with honey, I would kill to have one now.

That was when my nostrils flared and I started to smell a scent of honey pairing in the kitchen, a sweet and hot strong scent of honey that welcomed my senses kindly. My head swirled to the kitchen zone, there was a black mug, hot steam rising from it.

I stood up and walked over the mug, I peered inside it, I stared at a mug full of black coffee, and quickly my senses were filled with the intense scent of honey, my mouth instinctively watered.

I grabbed the mug without a second thought, and turned around so I could support my back on the counter behind me. I immediately took a sip, it burned my tongue from how hot it was and because I forgot to let it cool down a bit, but I didn't care.

I inhaled deeply, feeling the honey feel my senses, and throwed a glance at Malfoy's bedroom door, wondering if he was awake. My eyes narrowed, Malfoy's door was slightly opened, I drifted my gaze to the clock above the fireplace-

It was almost nine in the morning.

I almost spitted my coffee, usually I woke early in the morning to go with Malfoy checking the wards. I assumed he must be still resting as well, yesterday was no joke, and his leg had been gravely injured, it would be obvious he would want to sleep until late to get some of his strength back.

He must have had coffee and left one for me then went to sleep. I decided to go peer on the door nonetheless.

I walked over the room and lurked just a bit inside the room-

It was empty.

"Malfoy?" I called, my furrows furrowed, and my senses became sharp, my hand wrapped around my wand instinctively.

I stepped inside, looked around the bedroom, my eyes widened at the emptiness of the room. Only furniture and clothes filled my gaze. Without a second thought I walked over near the bed and touched the sheets. They were cold.

My breath hitched when realization came.

When I found Malfoy's bedchambers empty, I though something had happened to him and my mission would be at risk. Now I was sure he was more than fine, and so was my mission. The coffee by the kitchen. His bed neatly made.

He had left me here alone.

The fool.

He had gone to check on the wards alone, and left me here by my own. Whether he thought he would be home before I had the chance to wake, or either he began to trust me and left me here on purpose.

If I knew that saving his life would be the only thing necessary for to finally buy his trust, then I would have managed to done that way, way sooner.

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