Chapter 1

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Three years later.

We were running errands for the Dark Lord, sweat already dripping down our foreheads from running for a long time now, following our targets, through the woods, throwing spells and curses to catch them, the snow in the floor slowing our pace.

The light from the sky was vanishing, casting a darkness over the forest, with nothing but dim light from a crescent moon spread along the sky to illuminate our path, no stars along with it.

Our legs were tired, and our feet hurt, but soon we were reaching our targets, as one of them stumbled, falling forwards into the soft, white ground, and the other two had to came back to safe his friend, fools were what they were, that let into us catching them easily.

Incarcerous!” One masked boy, running along with me shouted, pointing his wand at one of the standing figures, quickly wrapping his body in tight ropes, which made him fall onto the floor, grinning and using his strength to try to free himself, unsuccessful of course.

Crucio!” I shouted from my own wand, at the only target still standing, which in mere seconds, found himself screaming in excruciating pain, his own body squirming in the floor, as if his bones were being cracked in pieces.

The one who had fell, tried his luck in getting away, which was, of course, helpless, already limping from one leg, his ankle clearly dislocated, so a frozen spell from the other boy, running along with us as well made the job.

My own wand was still pointed at the man on the ground when we reached them close, brown eyes staring right back at me, pleading for me to stop or either begging for his death at this point, little does he know how much I like when they beg, and that only makes me torture them even more, enjoying every second of it.

He was not seeing my actual face, only a mask, which he recognized immediately, and only got even more desperate, which only fed my pride even more, which brought a smile to my hidden lips.

“Hey, it’s enough, remember that we need to bring them alive and well.” The boy said warningly, kneeling over the man he had wrapped in ropes.

I did lift up the curse, he was right, we needed to catch them and interrogate them at the renewed Ministry of Magic, as we usual do with other rebels, not a friendly little inquest, we invaded their minds like poison, and looked for information of the whereabouts of the Order, and when in use of Occlumency, Veritaserum had to do the job, even if boring by being painless.

However, the luck hasn’t been much on our side, most of them, were only young rebels, who were trying to survive in ‘the hell this world became’ as much of them often proffered, and knew nothing about the Order at all, they were clearly insane, I don’t see anything burning, I don’t see any hell at all, asides from the fact of the mere existence of opposers to us.

I kneeled down next to the man, he was breathing heavily on the floor, brown eyes locked with mine, tears in each corner of them, I didn’t even have to stunt him, he couldn’t even get himself to stand, it was laughable.

“You don’t run so much now do you?” I asked my voice coming as sharp as knives into his ear, and he only reacted with a gasp out of despair.

His hand tried to reach his wand not a lot of inches away from him, and as soon as I realized, I stepped on the top of his arm, purposely clenching hard to make him suffer as grunts let his lips into the pain my boot was causing to his arm. “Ah, ah, what are you doing?” I asked, sarcastically, as if I was talking to a child as my own hand now, reached for his wand, and grabbed it. “Looking for this are you, sweetheart?” I asked playfully, and snapped it in two before he could react.

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