Delta Squad/Saving

Start from the beginning

The screen showed the leaderboard and saw that you were placed in second.

"Damn it, I thought I would be first for sure." You said.

"Guess I have the better shot." Sev commented as you saw him in first place.

"Aww, why did I get fourth?" Scorch asked.

"Well, you weren't really doing much, Scorch." Fixer said.

"That wasn't very nice, Fixer." You mocked his words from earlier.

"Why did I even join the party?" You heard Boss mumble.

You laughed. "You shouldn't have joined when you had the chance."

"Yeah, I regret that now."

"Heh, alright, one of you invite Boss to the game, I'm getting a drink."

You muted yourself before taking off your headset and placing it in front of you. You stood up off your bed and exited your room, going towards the kitchen. You stretched a bit from sitting on your bed for a while as you entered your living room. You smiled as you saw the old pillow fort from last week when you and Scorch had a sleepover. You didn't take it down because you would sometimes hide in it if you were ever feeling upset.

You tore your gaze from the fort and walked into the kitchen, going over to the fridge. You opened it and grabbed (f/d) then closed the fridge door. Just as you stepped out of the kitchen, a knock was heard at your door. Thinking it was one of the boys, you set your drink down on the table and went over to the door, opening it. You saw that it was actually a stranger and they grabbed you, holding a damp rag over your nose. You freaked out and struggled in the persons grip as you did everything you could to break free. You noticed that you were inhaling chloroform and instantly remembered that it takes 6 minutes for someone to pass out with it (realistically it does). It's only been 2 minutes and it was starting to get to you but you didn't let it get any further. You remember training with the boys during the war and used it to your advantage. With all your strength, you stomped on the strangers foot and elbowed him in the gut, releasing his hold on you. You dashed back into your apartment then closed and locked the door before rushing to your room. You grabbed your mic and quickly put it on and unmuted yourself.

"G-Guys, someone's trying t-to kidnap me." You managed to say.

"(Y/n), find a place to hide and stay there until we get to your apartment." Boss instructed upon hearing what you said.


You quickly yet quietly hid in your closet and buried yourself amongst the hanging clothes.

"Deep breaths, (Y/n), try to stay calm." Fixer said.

"Scorch, stay with her. Sev, Fixer, you're with me." Boss instructed them and disconnected.

"Yes, sir." Scorch said.

"On it, sir." Fixer said and disconnected.

"Yes, sir. Hang on to your guts, (Y/n), while I rip out theirs." Sev spoke and disconnected.

You started to cry silently as you stayed on the mic with Scorch. You couldn't believe this was happening to you.

"S-Scorch, I'm s-scared." You whispered, fear evident in your voice.

"Just focus on the sound of my voice, (Y/n), the boys are on their way." Scorch comforted.

A loud bang was heard at your front door and you covered your mouth to not let out a sound.

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