Ariana flinched at the word 'abandon'. Her gaze glistened with hurt and she turned her head away. "Hugh would never do that to me," she murmured.

"That's what you think," Lloyd hissed. "But sometimes the things people do come as a shock. And—and sometimes, just sometimes, when someone says they love you, they're lying. Don't you understand?" He stared into her eyes intensely, hoping she was thinking what he was thinking. Remember your parents? he silently told her. Remember the ninja? Those stupid, lying ninja?

Ariana took a step backward, breathing shakily. She returned Lloyd's gaze, and he could already tell something was wrong. "I understand," she whispered, somewhat accusingly. Her voice rose as she added, "Oh, I understand plenty!" With a spat, she whipped around and disappeared into the shadows.

Lloyd stared after her, eyes widening in realization. "No, that's not what I meant!" he shouted at her. "That's not what... Th-that's not..." His voice weakened and he turned his gaze to the ground, guilt swarming inside of him. "I do love you," he whispered, voice shaking. Of course I do!

With a frustrated groan, he slammed his fists against the apartment building's wall, shedding bits of dust onto the ground. He panted as he felt anger rise inside of him again. Why does she have to be so difficult?


Lloyd whipped around at the voice. "Back so soon?" he snarled. Then he jolted in alarm to see Vanessa beside him. A growl rumbled in his throat. Great, he thought sarcastically. Here we go again. "What do you want?"

Vanessa's face was hardened. "First, you break your promise to us, and now you say you were lying straight to Ariana's face?"

Lloyd clenched his fists. "That is not what I meant!" he snapped. "I wasn't lying to her! Were you eavesdropping or something?"

Vanessa crossed her arms. "I couldn't help but overhear," she said. "You were practically shouting to the whole town!"

Lloyd's breathing heavied in fury. He was already overly angered, and now Vanessa was making it worse. "Mind your own business, won't you?" he spat.

"Oh, I'll have plenty of time to do that once you leave us trapped here forever!" she shot back.

Lloyd gave a short scream of frustration. "Why do you keep bugging me about that stupid promise?" he retorted.

Vanessa glared at him. "Because that was one promise you weren't going to break."

"Oh, yeah?" Lloyd turned on her. "Well I'm breaking it now! Because I'm never going to free you and your lousy friends! If you're so desperate to get out, figure it out yourself!"

Vanessa's eyes widened in shock. "B-but, we can't." Her voice wavered.

"Then that's not my problem," Lloyd growled. "I have bigger things to deal with right now."

Vanessa took a shaky step back. "What could be more important than helping your friends?" she breathed.

"What do you think I am? A djinn?" Lloyd's eyes blazed with rage. "I can't help you, and even if I could, it's not like I'd want to! You mean nothing to me!"

Vanessa's eyes glistened with the beginning of tears. "Lloyd, you don't know how long we've waited for you," she continued, voice cracking.

Lloyd stepped closer to her intimidatingly, panting angrily. "Are you a Baddie or not, Vanessa?" he snarled.

Vanessa gasped softly, a single tear dripping down her cheek.

Lloyd continued to stalk forward. "Are you gonna cry?" he taunted, eyes glittering maliciously. "Come on, cry!"

Darkness from Within #7: A Promise Broken (Ninjago Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now