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(Song inspo: Already gone, Sleeping at Last. Closure, Hayd. Favorite Dream, The Careful Ones.)

(Tw: Death.)

. . .

As much as I loved him, there was nothing that could bring him back. No time machine, no time skip, no pausing life.

Here lies Thomas Simons.

Too often did I think of how I should've called him up at midnight and wished him a happy birthday. How I should've asked him what he wanted to do, instead of letting him venture Finchley all by himself.

04/09/04 - 04/10/22

London was a dangerous place. Easy to get kidnapped, murdered, or robbed. It wasn't unusual to hear of some gunshots go off in less populated places.

Our pride and joy, the light of our lives.

And Tommy,
Just- . .
Happened to be caught in the crossfire.

We'll miss you with all our hearts, dear son.
We love you, Tommy.

I could hear Sarah's soft weeping in the background of my mind. Mr. Simons- I never was able to grow out of calling his father that- was by her side, crying right along with her. Phil and Ranboo, Tubbo and Wilbur; everyone had rushed back to England upon the news of Tommy's death. Sneegsnag was unable to do anything since he was on his honeymoon, but he sent probably the longest eulogy I'd seen from, any, of Tommy's friends.

Wilbur and Jack were standing off to the side, an umbrella over their heads with Tubbo huddled in the middle, a few tears slipping down his cheeks. George looked at him in despair, looking like he was ready to join the young adult. Ranboo was at Tommy's grave with Ted and 5up, Jschlatt joining them before he started crying, and Ted quickly comforting him. Shifting my gaze, I saw that Phil and Kristen were murmuring to eachother, probably words of prayer upon Tommy, even though they weren't one for religion. I even saw Aimsey, Bill and Freddie walking up to the gravestone, each carrying a different flower I knew Tommy liked. Freddie was full on sobbing, which was so unlike him, but it's not like I held it against him. Eret was walking over to Shubble and Crumb, handing out flowers for people to place on Tommy's grave if they weren't able to bring any. They were always so considerate. . A group of four- Floris, Niki, Alex, and Vikk- were joining the people that sat at the grave, each bringing some sort of thing Tommy had been fond of. To some, a minecraft torch, a diamond youtube plaque and a red and white t-shirt might have seemed ridiculous, but to us it all made sense.

Joe was sat underneath a canopy, strumming his guitar lightly as Mark and Ash meandered over to him, their voices low. There were so many people here, I even spotted a group of his college friends going around and introducing themselves. It broke my heart when I saw Leslie crying as she shook 5up's hand, Eryn right by her side, but I stuck to my spot, my feet glued to the moppy grass. I hadn't bothered with an umbrella, since, I had thought the weather would be decent, and of course it had to rain; this was England after all. I was soaked. But I didn't mind.

Even Techno had managed to make it, his father pulling a bunch of strings for him to fly over in time for the funeral. Dream and Sapnap had hooked a ride with him, and they were all hiding underneath the canopy with Mark and Ash, listening to Joe as he mumbly sung something along the lines of La Jolla. James had started playing with him at this point, but he was the most shaken up out of a majority of us. He'd been with Tommy last, seen him get lost in the city of Finchley. He blamed himself when the polcie called his parents, reporting his body to be floating-

I didn't, even want to think about it. .

Charlie and Karl were off to my left, talking to a few people who had only just recently become Tommy's friends- Sean, Jordan, Dan, KSI. They'd all agreed they'd make it to Tommy's funeral no matter what, and they stuck to that promise, Jordan going as far as paying hundreds to get any sort of tickets for the quickest plane over to England.

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