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Love's POV

I was nervous, I'll admit.

This was a risk I was taking.

I wasn't completely sure, but I had hope that it was really him.

If it wasn't, then I would've learned my lesson the hard way. Don't give into creeps dressed in black dropping fake letters.

The air was cooler than when I first stepped out of the house, and chills ran down my spine just thinking of how tonight will go.

I kept my brothers words in the back of my mind, next to my conscious telling me not to go inside and that it was a terrible idea.

But it's fine, I've been in many worse predicaments.

Though, as a precaution, I kept a knife in my sock. Just in case.

I walked inside, not knowing to expect, and was met with a brush of warmth, welcoming me.

The smell of coffee was strong, but sweet.

A sweet lady welcomed me inside, nodding her head with a smile, and I noticed Lorenzo in the back corner, with what I assumed was a cup of tea in his hands.

He hates coffee.

I timidly walked toward the booth, taking small steps, and looking down at my feet.

Something I never did.

I took the seat in front of him, my back toward the entrance.

My heart was beating faster than I wanted it to, and I had a billion things to say.

The only thing I could get out was a quiet, "why?"

He took a moment to respond. "Why didn't I visit you, or why did I want to meet you here?"

I swallowed the lump in my throat. "Both."

"Love," he started, "I feel like such a shitty human being."

Human being. Ironic choice of words. If he had a heart, he would've been there when it mattered most.

I said nothing, only waited for him to continue.

"I took this time to plan—well, mostly think. About you, and about us." He looked me in the eye. "I don't ever want you to think that me not being there for you was your fault. Love, you're the most kindhearted person I know, and I never want to be the reason for your downfall."

I held back a smile because now definitely wasn't the time.

"I wasn't there for you when you were attacked, but I'm here now."

"How will I know you'll be here for the long run? How do I know you'll be here when things get rough again?"

"You won't. You'll have to trust me."

Trust him?

"I know it's a stretch. These past few weeks have been rough. But I'm hoping to earn back your trust. Starting with whoever hurt you."

I took a moment, then began to speak. "I know who did it."

His movements stopped, and I'm sure he had many thoughts running through his head.

"Before I say anything, I need you to trust me."

He nodded.

"Before everything happened, I was in the restroom." I tried not to tear up thinking of how vulnerable I was. "He said the robbery was a cover, and that his real motive is to hurt you."

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