I had hoped

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Post Season 5. Comment if u want to.


Even after dropping off Coulson and May in Tahiti Daisy still constantly receives messages from Coulson. She was updated on what were they gonna do for the day, he even sent pictures. Daisy's favorite picture is a selfie of May and Coulson, they were both smiling and looking satisfied to be with each other, it is also the last message she received from Coulson.

Then the realization hit her, there's only one reason he stopped messaging her. She would never let herself say it not even in her mind, not until May is here, she would never lose hope, she'll believe when she sees it (or doesn't see it)It's been 3 days since she last heard of Coulson, May told the team she was coming back, she didn't say if she was alone or if Coulson is with her, she didn't say anything at all, it was just-

 Airport. 9am. 

Jemma offered to come with her but Daisy knows She was too busy finding Fitz and preparing to go to space next week. She had to do this. She had to face the truth, whatever is the truth. She put on her most comfortable clothes and she made sure to buy 2 coffees and 1 tea before going to the airport because a part of her is still hoping that Coulson would be there and this will be a sweet reunion. 

She has imagined it before, they will be sitting at a cafe table just talking about the journey they had, and they would be like a happy family, and she wanted that, she knows it's too impossible but deep inside she wanted that. 

 So as she stands there waiting for May she blocks her mind from overthinking, She's nervous but she has a clue what's gonna hit her, she keeps looking for a nearly bald man and a short woman with a badass jacket.

Instead, she saw a woman in a gray v-neck shirt- May, only May with 2 luggage. She felt her eyes starting to moist, her throat tightening as she tries to stop herself from crying. She knew it. She knew it was gonna happen. Her inhales turned into sobs her exhales turned into whimpers and before she knows it May was already catching her. 

 May knew it the moment she and daisy's eyes locked. This is the part May knew she'll hate. It's like telling your daughter her dad is never gonna come back, It feels like it. 

She saw the 3 cups that Daisy was holding, and it breaks her heart twice as more. Daisy never loses hope and that is what makes her special, but sometimes those hopes cause her more pain, and that's what May doesn't want- seeing her child in pain. 

When her gaze returned to Daisy, she was already sobbing so she run as fast as she could to envelop Daisy in a comforting hug hoping she could take away all the pain she was feeling 

"I- I- I had hoped I had accepted it but I had hoped" Daisy manages to say between her sobs 

 "I know, honey, I know" 

 "I just want him back" 

 "Ssshhh, me too" 

"I knew it t-the messages s-stopped," Daisy said and then continued to cry on May's shoulder 

"He loved you so much, Daisy, We love you SO much" May replied and kissed her on her hair as she held her tighter.

 Daisy didn't know how they arrived at the lighthouse, she was zoned out, but she knows May drove and May was holding her hands, while she stare at nothing and tried to sink everything in. Daisy knew this was gonna hit her at some point, but she didn't expect- after all she had been through- this was gonna hit her so hard and so fvcking bad.


I said this book would MOSTLY be fluff I didn't say It would ALWAYS fluff... thank you for reading! lovelots!

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