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Set in Season 4 and who's Aida? Aida who? never heard of her (lol) 



Melinda May is exhausted after training the recruits. it's all that she does now 'Train' and also missing Phil and Daisy.

She misses them, Daisy used to join her to do her tai chi, she used to ask her a lot of questions just to annoy her.

And Phil? God knows how much she misses that dork, she misses their disagreements that lead to comforting and apologizing (of Phil mostly). But now she's just tired.

Phil Coulson came back from another failed mission- finding Daisy. May greeted him with a comforting hug.

"She escaped again," He said as he holds her tighter

"I taught her too well, you won't find her if she doesn't want to be found. Sometimes things don't always go with our plan, Phil. Maybe you should give her space" May pulled up looking in his eyes

"Space, May? It's been 6 months"

"6 months of chasing. Give her a little rest."

"I'm not giving up"

"I'm not telling you to give up," May retorted. Coulson sighed, he knew he's not going to win

"How have you been here?"

"With the new director? Terrible" she answered and walked with Coulson to his room

"You should rest"

"You too" their eyes locked a little longer, hearts float around them giving them the tension they always ignore

"Goodnight, Phil" she kissed him on the cheeks and walked straight to her room, smiling.


May finds herself chasing after Daisy; they're in an apartment building and Daisy is trying to escape through the rooftop. She's not a fan of stairs chasing but this is Daisy, their Daisy.

"Daisy!" She shouted but Daisy is already at the edge of the building

"May, you said things don't always go with our plans. My plan was to stay alive" Daisy took a deep breath and let herself fall

"Daisy, No!" May ran to grab her but she's too late. She saw her lying flat on the ground- blood flowing from her body, completely lifeless.

"Oh my god! Daisy!!" She shouts louder, hoping maybe if she shouts louder Daisy would come back. She's gone, her baby is gone. Oh god her baby. Everything's blurred and it's hard to breathe. If they found her sooner maybe this wouldn't happen, if she let Coulson look for her sooner maybe her Daisy would still be in her arms. She shouted and cried her pain out.

May woke up shaking but feeling numb, her chest tightens with every breath she takes. 'it's just a nightmare, it's just a nightmare, it's just a nightmare' she repeatedly tells herself, it's just a nightmare but it feels so real, the pain feels so real. she can still vividly see Daisy's face

'You said things don't always go with our plans. My plan was to stay alive'.

May can't breathe anymore, she's hyperventilating. Still in her pajamas, she went to Coulson's room. This wasn't the first time he saw May after a heart-wrenching nightmare, but it kills him seeing her like this, Coulson caught her, and she starts to sob, this is the first time she cried since Daisy left them. Coulson comforts her just like before, she may be the strongest person he knows but she gets hurt too just like a god can be depressed, the scariest assassin can be scared and a hero who saves can also take lives.

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