3 Times + 1

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PHILINDAYYY!!!  I would love to interact with you so if you want you can leave comments! S4 slightly vague spoilers


3 times Melinda May slept in her back and arms spread open because of Coulson and Daisy, and 1 time because she got used to it.

Melinda May is not that affectionate, but her two favorite people are. Coulson was the only one who cuddled with May until Skye came around like a typical daughter who takes dad's things and makes them hers forever.

1 (S2)

In their line of work, nightmares are one of their worst enemies. it's not real but it felt like it. They would carry the bad memory of that nightmares throughout the day or week or month or year and sometimes it could really affect their performance during missions.

Daisy woke up sweating, she could feel her blood rising as she panics. Daisy subconsciously knew May could help, she always does, she always make her feel safe. So without thinking Daisy burst in May's door with a pillow and blanket on her other hand, May kinda knew she'll burst in, might be because of the heavy footsteps that almost sounds like Coulson's.

"Uhm- I- sorry it's the rock and uh- temple-I mean it's nothing, can I sleep on your floor, I promise you wouldn't notice me" Daisy's voice sounds very fragile. She looked hesitant, she was glued standing near the doorway trying to contemplate if she should just head back to her bunk and cry herself to sleep.

But, the universe might be on her side today because May looked at her softly and she opened her arms. Daisy rushed into her and buried her face on May's shoulder, as May hugged her- she sobs

"It was, it was, it was, my mom- no she wasn't I-"

"Breathe. Daisy shh, you're fine, you're fine" May assured her while brushing her hair- calming her.

Minutes later Daisy finally calmed down, but May didn't stop saying things that will make her feel better.

"I hope you don't mind another cuddly person," May asked which made Daisy frown then suddenly the door opened- revealing Coulson with a pillow and blanket on his hand

"Oh, Daisy's- oh looks like someone got you first. Don't mind me I'll just take the floor while you two cuddle together there" he said, he thought maybe it's too late to go back to his room, he's already here anyway plus it'll be more awkward in the morning.

May rolled her eyes affectionately and extend her arms for Coulson, he immediately cuddled with the two

"You two are such a dork," May said while the two snuggled closer and made May's shoulder as a pillow. May looked at Daisy- finally peacefully sleeping

"You know you can't hide your pain from me with your jokes, right?" May said to Coulson, he just hummed in response, she brushed Coulson's hair and kissed them

"We'll talk, just not right now," Coulson said looking up and glancing at Daisy then back at May

"Yeah" May responded as she held them tighter and slept- in her back while the two are using her biceps as pillows.

2 (S3)

Coulson thought of checking Daisy since she is a bit jumpy and grumpy after her 'failed mission' in Queens, however, May's room is nearer to his room and he decided maybe a little hug and encouraging words from May wouldn't hurt. She opened May's door and found it-empty, so she went to Daisy's room. He panicked when he heard Daisy shouting 'stop!', he opened the door and found her two favorite ladies-look like having fun.

"I'm starting to get jealous you know," he said but May kept tickling Daisy

"He- hel- help! Dad!- HAHAHAHAHAHA" Daisy cried not noticing what did she called Coulson

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