Sirius was excellent at it, though. And he and Jamie so far have almost reached their goal.

The only problem was how long it took for one cauldron to get done. Once done it could fill up ten vials, but it took three hours for it to complete.

Jamie returned back to his table. He started up a new potion. He had to let the sun water simmer on low for an hour, periodically adding in different minced ingredients.

He could hear Harry laughing outside as he flew by on his Firebolt, not even a second later Draco's screams of protest followed. They were playing a one on one Quidditch match, and apparently Harry was winning.

"You can put that out, Faon." Voiced Sirius.

Jamie, who was about to pour in the water, froze. "You sure?"

Sirius grinned, peaking out from behind his cauldron, his hair also pulled back into a bun (although his was lower and much more loose). "Yep."

Jamie sat the water down and with a wave of Remus's wand, the fire went out.

"You know, we should have a green house. Grow our own potion ingredients."

"That's a great idea! Moony, write that down."

"With what?" Remus asked dryly.

"Well you can't expect me to come up with every solution." Sirius sassed back. "I thought you would have learned after fourth year when we crept into the Slytherin dungeons— "

Remus cleared his throat. "Enough, Sirius."

Jamie crossed his arms, eyes narrowing slightly. "No, no. Please continue."

Sirius froze like a deer in headlights. He looked pale dispite his face being flushed, his eyes wide as he glanced back and forth between Remus and Jamie.

"I feel like I may have misspoke." He said lightly, avoiding eye contact. "So to make up for it, I shall shut up."

"Intelligent choice, Padfoot. Smartest move you've made in a decade."

"Hey!" Said the offended man.

"Hey!" Jamie barked just as they were starting to bicker. Both men turned to him immediately. "How about we focus on the potion?"

"Yes. Good idea."

"He started it. . ."

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

Jamie marched forward and shoved Sirius away from the cauldron. "Go take nap."

"I'm not tired."

"Your attitude says otherwise. Now, go."

"Alright." Sirius held up his hands. He turned, hands still raised as he walked out, muttering. "I'm leaving, James. I'm leaving. I'll go take a nap. Best nap you've ever seen. I'll show you who's tired."

Once he was gone Remus smiled softly. "I missed that. I missed him."

"So, you two did that a lot?" Remus nodded. "And was it James who had to step in?"

Remus covered his mouth to stifle the chuckles. He nodded, eyes screwed shut as he hunched over, his shoulders shaking with humor.

He straightened up and tried to verbally answer, although there were long pauses due to fits of laughter. "We fought. . . So much. Never anything serious. . . Just, small stuff. . . James — James, he'd make us hug it out. . ." He collapsed into laughter. The description wasn't that funny, but Jamie knew that whatever Remus was seeing in his memories was something words could not justify.
Sirius was right. That potion was all they needed, and they had extra vials to spare.

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