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Avery POV
November 25, 2021 - Thanksgiving

"Avery!" Hai said as she pulled me into a hug. Marshall furrowed his eyebrows, "its not like me, your father, is standing right here" he said as he rolled his eyes as I let out a laugh, before taking his hand in mine as he led me into the house. 

"Late, as always" Nathan said as he pulled his brother into a hug. Marshall shook his head, "its not me, its that one over there" he said as he pointed from the living room. "Are you talking shit, Mathers?" I asked as I raised an eyebrow. 

"Always, ma" he said as winked and blew me a kiss playfully. I grabbed a drink, and a handful of snacks before I sat on the couch letting out a sigh of relief, "how you feeling, Av?" Nathan asked as he plopped down next to me. "Huge" I said as I shoved more goldfish, Lane had stashed away for me, in my mouth. 

"No" he said as he shook his head, "you are gorgeous" he said as he disregarded everything I said. I rolled my eyes, "I feel like a goddamn house" I said as I chewed at my lip, as Marshall and I made eye contact. 

"Its literally all belly Av" Lane said from the kitchen, "seriously, you make this look eas-" Hai was saying as Marshall spit out his coke. "that does not mean, you two can go and get pregnant" he said as he pointed to Hai and Lane. 

"Nate, you get pregnant all you want" he said as all three of us rolled our eyes. 


Marshall POV

"Its not much longer till she's here" Nate said, "is everything almost ready for her?" he asked as he crossed his arms. Avery and I both shook our heads, "not yet" she said as he shrugged, "if you need help, I'm more than happy" 

I cleared my throat, "I may take you up on that offer" I said, "work is about to become a lot more chaotic" I said as Avery furrowed her eyebrows. I sighed knowing this wasn't how I wanted to share the news with her, or anyone else, "Dre, called the other day, and he uh" I said nervously. 

"He pulled some strings, for the Superbowl" I said, "so until February, I'll be flying out to California every now and then to rehearse" 

While everyone else was excited, I could see Avery's facial expressions change. She was less than thrilled with me, and she had every right to me in this moment. "Avery" I said as I pulled her to the side. "Yeah?" she said as her voice cracked a little. 

"Talk to me baby, what's on your mind?" I asked as I tucked some loose hair behind her ear. She shook her head, "I don't wanna talk about it, not here" she said as she resisted. I sighed, closing the door to Hai's office, "yes, here" 

Avery cleared her throat, "fine, I am more than happy that Dre pulled these strings and you get to perform at the Superbowl, I am one to understand that this chance doesn't come around often" she said, "its just, really inconvenient timing" she said as her eyes welled up. "Have we ever, ever been dealt something we couldn't handle?" 

She shook her head, "I don't want you to worry about anything, okay?" I said as I wiped the wetness from her cheeks. 


Avery POV 

Avery POV 

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