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Avery POV 
2 weeks later 

I sighed, running my hand through my hair as I continued to fill out the paperwork, "you need me to do anything baby, you need some help?" Marshall asked softly as he nervously fumbled with his fingers. I shook my head, "I- I think I got it" I said softly. 

Marshall cleared his throat, "you nervous?" he asked as he broke the silence, as we made eye contact. "Can you tell?" I asked with defeat, as I anxiously bounced my leg. He let out a small sigh and stood up, "come here, baby" he said as he pulled me into him, "you at least know what to expect, I don't" I said, trying to hold back a few tears. 

"I think a few things have changed since then" he said, "but I will be with you, every step of the way Av, I'm not going anywhere" he said before there was a knock on the door before it opened. 

"Ms. Jones, Mr. Mathers" the woman said with an inviting smile, "I'm Dr. Caddel" she said as she introduced herself, as she took a seat. "This is your first pregnancy, correct?" she asked as she looked up from her laptop. I nodded as she let out a small smile, "so, exciting" she said, "and please, feel free to ask as many questions" 

"Do you know when your last menstrual period was?" she asked as I furrowed my eyebrows, "I don't really remember" I said as I shook my head. "okay, that's okay, what were the symptoms that caught you off guard?" Dr. Caddel asked as she continued to type on her computer. 

"I honestly thought I had food poisoning or something, and wasn't sleeping that great" I said softly. "Okay, morning sickness and fatigue" Dr. Caddel said. "And the weird concoctions she's made in the kitchen, definitely not her" Marshall said as he shook his head as Dr. Caddel let out a small laugh, "and cravings, got it" she said softly. 

"I'm gonna get a sonogram going, that way we can properly measure the baby and it will give us an idea of when you conceived" she said as the ultrasound tech came in. "This might be a little cold, okay?" the tech said before squeezing the cold jelly on my non existent belly.  I nodded as Marshall moved closer to the bed and took my hand in his as they pulled up the ultrasound on the big screen in front of us. 

"See that little dot right there?" Dr. Caddel said with a small smile, "that's your baby"

Marshall grabbed my hand tighter as we continued to watch our little dot in front of us. "I'd say you're measuring at about six, almost seven weeks along, that little baby is about the size of a sweet pea" Dr. Caddel said with a small laugh. "I wanna show you guys one more thing" Dr. Caddel said before pressing a button on the machine as a tiny, faint heartbeat started to play. 

"We made that" Marshall said softly as he pressed his forehead to mine, as we took a minute to listen. 


"Look at this little bean" Marshall said as he stared at the sonogram, "who can I tell, can't I just tell a few people?" he asked as he followed me to the couch. "Who, baby?" I asked as he shrugged, "definitely the girls" he said, "I don't know Paul, Dre, Denaun" he said as I let out a small laugh. 

"Samantha knows" he said, "Samantha was the one, who made me take the pregnancy test" I said as I rolled my eyes. "But you can tell the girls Marsh" I said as he quickly grabbed his phone, facetiming them. "Hey dad! Hai said as the facetime popped up. 

"Hey!" Lane said as she joined in as well. I watched as Marshall interacted with his kids knowing he was already a good father, and knowing he had nothing to worry about for little bean. Time couldn't go by fast enough, I just wanted to see him interact with this baby. 

"Avery and I have something we wanna tell you" he said, trying his best to contain his excitement. "You guys are coming back to Michigan, for a bit?" Hai asked softly. Marshall stumbled over his words, "well no, not exactly but maybe"

"Avery's pregnant!" Lane said, as I could feel my anxiety spike. "I guessed last time and I was right, so I'm guessing again" she said as she let out a laugh. Marshall chewed at his lip as he quickly flashed the sonogram in front of the camera, before the questions began. 

"How far along is she?" 

"When did you guys find out?" 

"When did you guys get the sonogram done?" 

Marshall let out a small laugh, "woah, woah, okay" he said as he calmed them down, "one question at a time. Marshall plopped himself down next to me, propping his phone up, and kissing me on the forehead. "You're glowing, babe" Lane said softly as I shook my head, "I don't feel, the glow" I said with a small laugh. 

"How did you find out, how far along are you?" Hai asked. "Six- ish weeks" I said softly, "and I honestly thought I had food poisoning, turns out it wasn't the Mediterranean place down the street" I said as the girls let out a laugh. 

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