❄️Book 46❄️

9 1 0

Spring Town
By neontanika

Cover: 4/5

Though not a graphic phenomenon, the board radiates soft and misty, pleasant vibes, and enables the audience to commence the story in a light-hearted manner. It instantly gives us a fair insight on what to anticipate from the story, and does an excellent job in alluring in interested readers. However, I feel that it seems a bit bland compared to the interior of the story, and a little more effort is mandatory.

Blurb: 4/5
The blurb, though not exceptionally intriguing, does well to efficiently encapsulate the story. It does not leave us lingering on emotions and thoughts, adheres to the theme of the story, and tells us exactly what we are signing up for. These are all the attributes that deem a blurb apt for a story.

First chapter: 8/10

The commencement of the story was executed in a manner that is somewhat analogous to the blurb. It does not breaks us out of the daze and impression imposed on us via the blurb. Au contraire, it retains it. One could easily tell that this story is not one to be read with a mindset clouded with angst and instantly reassures to readers to ease.

Vocabulary & grammar: 9/10

The language delivered in the story adheres to its theme:  soft yet absorbing. You have a good amount of words in your vocabulary, and you also have a fair amount of knowledge on how to use them. The grammar employed in the story, though not impeccable, gives us the impression of a well-written story, which is a rather laudable feature.  You just need to increment the use of commas, so we will be able to distinguish between the various clauses of the sentences, and hence narrate them featuring ellipsis.

Character development: 9/10

I could spot any characters with overly intriguing personae. However, I must mention that the story was void of almost any character arcs; a notable feature. Jin’s persona was portrayed adhering to out rue impression of him, and the bond between the brothers was fascinating.  The characters were extremely lovable, and it helped in retaining the wholesomeness of the plot.

Storyline/plot: 18/20

I personally deemed the plot to be quite an admirable one. Not everyone might share this perspective, as this story hails from a theme that not everyone might consider inviting. However, I certainly do not come from that mass, and find great enthrallment in soft, fantasy themes. It retains the solitude and concord in my mind, with any intricate plot might have disrupted. This is the sort of story that one would prefer reading when the seek comfort and want to eradicate all excited emotions.  

Enjoyment: 19/20
As I had asserted in the prior pedagogies, reading this was a wholesome experience, and I am grateful to be introduced to a well written and mild story as such. ‘Soft’ is an adjective which we all tend to associate closely with Jin, and this story is a sole adherent of that factual account. Looking forward to more of the sort!

Impression: 19/20

This story acclaims a lucid charisma to its name, and imprints us with its serene composure. I deem it quite impossible for this story to leave any reader disappointed. Also this is a BTS FF that I liked after a long time.

Total: 90/100



Hey there!
I apologize for the delay.
I hope that you didn't find any of my words harsh. I really appreciate your writing and wish the best for you.

All the best!

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