🍏Book 12🍏

25 4 3

Princess and the Devil King

By KhushiSV

Cover: 3/5

The cover is not at all interesting. Please change it. You can apply for some graphic shops or our in-house designer, lippe890

Blurb: 4/5

The blurb is okay. It is also not interesting. I didn't have the urge to read the book by looking at the cover or the blurb.

Please mend it.

Chapter 1: 8/10

The prologue was interesting but the first chapter lagged the same energy. I didn't like it that way. You could have done it better.

Vocabulary/grammar: 8/10

The vocabulary is pretty simple and there were quite a number of places with wrong grammar.

You had used "knew" after "didn't" ; a very common mistake, often made by authors, in most of you sentences.

"Did" is the past form of "Do". So when you use "Did" you have to use the present form of the verb and not the past.

A thorough read can get that done.

Character Development: 5/10

I don't like any characters. Now many may like the way you wanted the story to be, but I'm strictly against the idea of the female lead, be it an OC or a Xreader, being extremely weak and vulnerable while the Male lead is ruthless.

And admist all men, when you have decided to put a woman, make that woman either as merciless as the men or mae the men as kind as the woman.

I don't like any of the characters, I'm sorry.

Storyline/plot: 14/20

The story is way too cliché. I appreciate that there are readers who are appreciating you because although it's very common story, you're working hard, But, there are over a million books like this.

And I already said, I am againts books with extremely weak Female lead and extremely ruthless Male lead.

You have shown the Idols as a little too bad to a meak soul. Showcasing all the characters (most) like that isn't a very innovative thing.

The book has just began so we don't know how the book will continue but, I don't like it.

Enjoyment: 9/20

I did not enjoy it.

Impression: 9/20

I might not be the right reader for this book as I'm not a fan of book with such characters. It did not strike me. I have had been submitted similar books previously as both a reviewer or a judge but this book did not match my expectations.

Total: 60/100

Review: Please don't use so many images in one book rather describe the person or scene with words. The book isn't supposed to be read through images. It has to be in words. I lost my interest of reading it as soon as I saw the number of images put on in the first chapter.

Like I already told, do not make the woman this weak. I know stories like that are read and people like bad boys but dear, there are several young girls who may read the book. Books influence our brains to the extent that we start thinking of things the way the author imagines.

These young girls may think that being in a toxic relationship where the man hurts them and plays with their bodies is okay when it's actually not.

In this 21st Century, we do not accept that. No matter how weak you are, we do not accept that. So even if you showcase the Male lead as a living demon, make the woman equal to a demon.

The tittle of the book is too simple. Although I understand the relation between the title and the plot, I don't like it.

Thank you for choosing me as your reviewer.

I hope you keep in mind with the things I said.

I wasn't being biased because I don't like such books, I just gave whatever I as a reader had felt.

Hope you will get readers who may like

Good Luck!!

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