☘️Book 19☘️

58 4 7

Crystal Skies
By Pviscelle

Cover: 5/5

Beautiful. The cover had me confused at first as I wondered how you related the tittle with the cover but by the 2nd chapter, where we learnt some of Joon's backstory, I couldn't find a betterment in the cover.

Blurb: 4.5/5

Honestly, I didn't understand how you wanted to portray the plot but with some chapters, I felt the relation.

Although, there's always a place for improvement, so you can try to make the blurb a little more intriguing.

Chapter 1: 8/10

The opening of the chapter, and the funny chemistry right from the beginning; had me rolling on my bed. (yes I was on the bed and not the floor XD)

I loved the beginning, but a little changes are required which I have already mentioned.

Vocabulary/grammar: 7/10

Okay, you knew this part, yet I'm telling as it's my job.

The major con about this book is its grammar, which needs heavy editing.

I saw your major problem to be the tense and subject verb agreement.

It's a common mistake by non native speakers as well as natives: "Did" is the past form of "Do".

So when we write the main verb, we do not write the past form of it, rather keep it in present tense.

And try reading the chapters yourself, you'll find some nouns and adverbs feel odd next to the adjectives.

And the difference between Adjectives and Adverbs isn't vast, the words sound almost the same.

But Adjectives like "New", describe, or you can say, tell more about a noun. It can not be used beside a verb to explain it.

Similarly, Adverbs like "Newly" , describe a verb and can not be used to explain any noun.

And refrain from writing the same types of adjectives and adverbs one after the other, which is however not always wrong if it's meant to give an emphasis.

Instead you can use abstract nouns to describe another noun.

Eg: The serenity of the tranquil night.

Here both serenity and tranquil mean peaceful but the former being an abstract noun of the adjective "serene" and tranquil being the adjective of the noun "tranquility".

Character Development: 9/10

Not many books show Y/n as a sibling of the main protagonist and I love how relatable their chemistry is.

I legit couldn't decipher if my personality is like Y/n, which I am to assume as myself, or more like Joon.

Storyline/plot: 19/20

Not very uncommon but you made it your unique by making it an OT7 story while keeping Joon and Y/n the main focus yet as siblings.

Enjoyment: 20/20

I would have regretted not finding it before.

Impression: 19/20

Except for the Grammar, I loved everything about the book.


Review: Most of the points are already covered in the aforementioned words. I would still like to shade some lights on the style, which isn't very appreciative.

I'd prefer the book being written in the right alignment and only coming to centre alignment once in a while.

And don't use too many exclamation marks. Not worth the execution.

And don't use gifs to express their facial expressions, rather try to find words to type it. You can hit me up if you need help.

Recommendation of the Week

Lastly, I hope I didn't come out too harsh.
I like the idea of the book and hope to see it flourish more.

I'm sorry for the delay and even to everyone still waiting.

I'll be out with them soon too.

Thank you so much.

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