Chapter 28

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I was back at camp it was dark, blue and red was placed around the camp. It was the night of color war " I'm sure it's nothing color war can get pretty intense one of them probably rung the bell to distract the other team" Regan was outside the cabin investigating the noise.

I followed her outside " see it's nothing".

" Tommy?" we saw him covered in blood holding a bloody axe in his hands.

Regan was frozen screaming I grabbed her hand pulling her back into the cabin pushing the large dresser in front of the door.

" Did you see?" her face was pale loud banging on the door he's trying to get in.

" Come on. Under the bed" he was starting to break down the door with the axe.

" GO!" I followed behind her wrapping my arm around her. Her whole body was trembling, she was crying in fear.

He got into the cabin Regan's cries was making too much noise. I covered her mouth with my hand before kissing her temple.

He grabbed her ankles pulling her from underneath the bed " Regan!" he put the axe in her shoulder making her scream in pain.

I grabbed nearest thing to me a big plank of wood that fell off the wall earlier in the week hitting him in the head as hard as I could and he fell to the ground.

I helped her up running away to the woods her blood covered my hands. She was bleeding heavily from her shoulder blade where Tommy hit her with the axe. I ripped the bottom of my shirt wrapping it around her wound " it's the curse nurse Lane tried to kill him cause she knew he was next" I guess she wasn't insane after all.

The bell rang again and we ran towards the camp Nightwing sign the bus what we arrived to camp on is leaving it was full of terrified campers but we're even more scared. We screamed for  them to stop but it drove full speed out of camp Nightwing we were trapped. Someone ran into us making all three of us scream it was Ziggy she had blood on her face and top.

I see something moving in the distance but I couldn't tell what it was till it got closer. It was Tommy I should have bashed his head in when I had the chance " guys!" I grabbed Regans hand and she got a hold of Ziggy's. We ran away from our attacker to the mess hall Regan grabbed two butcher knifes from the kitchen drawer and Ziggy blasted Carry on wayward son by Kansas on the loudspeaker.

" Sheila hide!" I hid in the pantry where they kept all the cans.

" Baby" The door broke down he's coming.

" Stay in there" Ziggy grabbed her arm and they hid in the supply closet.

I can see through the tiny cracks in the wood paneling " carry on wayward son, there'll be peace when you are done. Lay your weary head to rest" he made a hole in the door to unlock the door where we were all at.

My heart was pounding so loudly I can feel it throughout my body and the sound echoed in my ears " don't you cry no more" he passed where Regan and Ziggy were hiding and he was walking straight towards where I was at. But, I knew he wasn't after me I didn't have the blood that he wanted.

He wanted her blood he wanted my Regan I see her and Ziggy coming out of the supply closet walking slowly behind him. They gripped the knife handles so tight that both of their knuckles were white " masquerading as a man with a reason. My charade".

The music stopped and floor boards creaked they were right behind him and he turned around " Regan!" they both stabbed him but it didn't do any good.

He punched Ziggy making her fall since they were so close to each other Regan fell with her. He tore the knifes out of his body onto the floor.

For the summer Sheila X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now