Chapter 4

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" Andy" I found his body on the bathroom floor. His face and lips were a dark shade of blue. I dropped to my knees sobbing he opened his eyes instead of the brown eyes that gave me comfort they were jet black that made my skin crawl turning his head as the sounds of bones breaking giving me a sick and sadistic smile. My body froze in fear his body twisted in way that it shouldn't " Andy" I whispered. He bolted towards me " Regan, Regan wake up" I sat up gasping for air. Dad was sitting next to me with a concerned look on his face while Andy's face is imprinted in my brain " I can't breath" I felt like I was being held underwater. " Follow my breathing" I can hear my heart beating heavily in my ears. " Take a deep breath in and out" I obeyed.

 After a couple of minutes I started to breath normally " your mom told me about this didn't know it was to this extent. You've been sleeping good" I went 3 days without the nightmares. " I thought I was getting better. why won't it good away? I want it to go away" tears rolled down my already damp cheeks. " You went through something very traumatic and it can take a toll on you. When my dad went to war when he came back. He had nightmares saw things a human being shouldn't have never seen like you".

" Did he get better?".

" He was gone for years that was his reality for years when he came back that's all that he knew. But you are young, strong and have a support system your mom, Greg, and me are gonna help you through this" I hugged him tightly. he froze then reciprocated " you think that you can go back to sleep?"I laid back down. He put the blankets to my chin before getting up " David". 

" Yeah?".

" Thank you".

I woke up at 10 am " David" the house was quiet finding a note on the kitchen counter ' went to work should be home around 5. There's cereal in the pantry, and lunch meat in the fridge for lunch to make yourself a sandwich. Best thing to do when you're feeling down is doing things that make you happy love dad' " I'm gonna do just that" grabbing my roller skates and record player going outside. There wasn't a single cloud in the sky, the weather was nice, it was a beautiful day. I have the whole cul de sac all to myself tying my skates putting on my favorite band bees gees I got lost in the music and let it take over me the noise of clapping snapped me out of my trance " Sheila, what are you doing here?" she wore a tube top and shorts her long black hair in a side braid. " You're not happy to see me?".

" How did you know where I'm staying?" she walked to the mailboxes taking mail out of one of them. " I should ask you the same thing. I live up the block" I grinned widely. " No way I live right there". 

" You a bees gees fan so, am I".

" I known them before they got popular. they're my favorite band. Which brother is your favorite?".

" I don't really prefer any of them. I mean they're talented and stuff but none of them are really my type".

" You don't think Barry cute".

" Especially not Barry Gibb".

" You're crazy he's so hot have you seen his hair. I just want to run my fingers through it. it looks so soft and luscious and his voice is heaven to my ears" i said dreamily.

" He does have a good voice. I like a girl with good music taste, walk me home?".

" Sure, just let me put everything in the house real quick" I switched my skates to flip flops putting the record player on the table.

Sheila was waiting by the curb " how did you learn how skate like that? you're really good" we walked side by side. " Thanks, I wanted to be a figure skater but we couldn't afford lessons and there isn't that much to do in my town. So, I had a lot of practice"we walked up to a big blue house. " Sheila, where's the mail. I'm expecting a letter!" her mom had shoulder length brown hair and wore a bold and bright dress. A lit cigarette in hand. " Here" Sheila slams the papers on the kitchen counter.  " don't be rude introduce yourself girl" trying a drag of her cigarette. " Mother!" Sheila harshly whispered. " Regan, I just moved down the street" her eyes scanned my figure. " You David's daughter?"blowing the smoke into my face." Yes, I'm staying with him for the summer" her face was caked with heavy makeup." He never mention that he had a daughter" she scoffed. " And he never mentioned the clown up the block. We both learned something new today" Sheila grabs my hand. " We're going up to my room".

" I can't believe you just did that. Nobody stands up to my mother" her band posters are full of band posters, shelf's full of records, sashes, and trophy's. Her vanity is neatly sorted with different kinds of perfume and nail polishes " you're the first person I brought over in a long time. Sorry about my mother she can be so embarrassing" on the dressers are pictures of her in fancy ball gowns with big tiaras on her head. 

" It's not your fault. Is she always that . . . judgmental".

" That's her gift to the world. She wants me to be just like her. She was a beauty pageant queen of Sunnyvale when she was my age" in all the pictures I can see the frown behind the smile.

" She wants me to be ms. perfect all the time. She only cares about my looks and how that reflects on her. If I don't look perfect even a single strand of hair out of place she won't let me leave the house. This town is her stage and I'm the star of the show".

" How does that make you feel?".

" Like a puppet and she has the control of the strings".

" You don't have to be. You are your own person and nobody can change that not even your mother".

" It's nice to have these in depth conversations with someone. I haven't felt this comfortable with someone before. Is that weird to say?".

" You took the words right out of my mouth".

" I hope we can be friends".

" Don't hope. we are".

For the summer Sheila X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now