Chapter 8

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" You what!. I didn't even know that you . . . " Greg said over the phone.

" Liked girls. Yeah, I didn't either".

" You a lesbo or something?".

" I don't know what the fuck I am. I was always attracted to guys till I met her . . . do you hate me?".

" No, I'll always will love and support you no matter who you like. Does she know?" I took a sigh of relief. 

" Sheila ? no, we almost kissed we were playing truth or dare. She dared me to kiss her then when we were about to. Her mom caught us told me to go home. I haven't heard from her for days you think I scared her off or something? what if she didn't want to kiss me".

" I doubt that. Her mom probably grounded her I mean she almost caught you guys lip locking in the pool. All the stuff that you told me sounds like she's in love with you".

" Or she thinks I'm a really good friend".

" You won't know unless you ask. I gotta go I'll talk to you in a couple of days and call your mom back she misses you".

" Okay, talk to you later bye".

I haven't talked to my mom since she dropped me off here she calls almost everyday but I never answer her calls she talks to David ' tell her that I love and miss her to call me when she has time'. I dialed her number putting the phone to my ear " hello?".

" Hello?" she repeated.

" Hi mom".

" Regan is that you?"

" Yeah it's me".

" Why haven't you returned any of my calls. I've been calling  you almost every day".

" I know . I just had to have time to process. You send me off to live with David with no warning".

" Do you hate me?".

" No, I was mad at you. I was so mad at you".

" Are you still mad at me?".

" No".

" Your dad says you're always busy with your new friend going to all types of places seems like your having a fun summer so far".

" Yeah".

" You and your dad been doing stuff together?".

" Not really he's at work all day. Sometimes we watch movies together".

" He's always been that way a big workaholic. Ever since I first met him he's always doing something. He cared about work more than his family".

" You're a workaholic too".

" I have to be to put food on the table, pay for the bills, don't rush to grow up okay. It sucks being a adult try to have as much fun as you can. I got to get ready for work I'll talk to you soon. You'll answer my calls right?".

" I'll answer your calls I love you mom".

" I love you too sweetie bye.

I was reading The shining by Stephen king who is my favorite writer of all time when David walked through the front door " hey, how was your day?" kissing my forehead. " Alright, I talked to Greg and mom on the phone".

" You haven't talked to your mom how did that go. You guys good now?".

" Yeah we're good now. What's for dinner?".

" I was thinking hamburger helper looks like you got a letter" the envelope had my name on it.

' meet me at the spot where we first met at 11:00. We need to talk about the other night. I miss you love Sheila'.

For the summer Sheila X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now