Chapter 13

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The camp intercom came on waking up the camp it's 8:30 am breakfast starts at 9

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The camp intercom came on waking up the camp it's 8:30 am breakfast starts at 9. I changed into a floral jumpsuit, brushing out my long tangly hair into a low ponytail. Annie, Becky and I walked to the mess hall " where's Will?" Becky asked. He usually the one waiting for us. " Don't know" I said don't really care. " Should we wait for him? here comes the witch" together walked Regan and Ziggy. Regan wore a a navy blue shirt and brown shorts the front of her hair pulled back by a barrette natural waves laid on her shoulders " witch" the girls whispered as they passed by. " I'm going inside. I'm starving" the girls quickly followed me like puppy dogs. We got our breakfast some cereal and fruit grabbing a glass of orange juice picking a table not too close or too far away from Regan. I watched as she smiled and laughed with the Shadyside counselors she went through so much her brother died and she found his body. I can't even imagine the trauma. " Good morning campers!" Nick Goode announced the room went quiet. " Today's activities are swimming, archery, we have some sport equipment if you want to play kickball or football, painting in the arts and crafts cabin and those who likes bugs and reptiles can go to the science and nature cabin. For lunch is sandwiches and chips and for dinner is spaghetti and meatballs with garlic bread. If you guys need anything don't be afraid to ask me or any of the camp counselors" Nick stepped off of the platform and everyone resumed talking. " Sorry, I'm late" Will apologized kissing my cheek. Regan and I made eye contact her beautiful smile faltered. " Where have you been?" he sat next to me. " Was up late last night with the boys. They didn't have any food left. Can I have your apple?" everyone gave him some food. " What do you guys want to do today?" Will asked wrapping his arms around my lower back. I slowly moved away from his grip " Let's bug the witch and her new friend. Now it'll be double the fun" Annie smirked. " No, we don't do anything to Ziggy until she does something to us that way. We can say that she started it and she'll get a strike and maybe if we're lucky she'll get kicked out" then I can have Regan all to myself.

After breakfast we decided to go to the lake since it was a hot day. We changed into our bathing suits putting my clothes over it laying my towel on the green grass " you coming into the water, babe!" Will shouted. " No, wanna tan!" I opened up a magazine. The sun was scorching on my skin " aren't you hot in that jumpsuit. You're gonna get heat stroke" I smiled as Regan put a towel next to mine. " What are you doing here. Where's Ziggy?" I questioned. " In the arts and crafts cabin. I didn't feel like painting plus I missed you. Man, it's got to be over 100 degrees" taking off her shirt reveling a yellow and orange floral bikini top. I couldn't help but stare she's beautiful " it's rude to stare" Regan smirked. " You trying to torture me?" I want to put my hands all over her. She chuckled putting her hair into a messy bun " I'm just tanning like every other teenage girl. You're not gonna get bronze wearing that" I'm insecure of my body. I'm thicker than the girls in the magazines. " My body isn't bikini worthy. I don't look like the girls in the magazines. I'm fat" my mother sometimes puts me on these crazy diets. " You are not fat all the girls in the magazines are fake. You're drop dead gorgeous the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. You are perfect you understand me?" I felt my face go hot and it wasn't the hot sun. " Look, what I got" pulling out a small packet from her shorts pocket. " Is that grass?" she quickly put it away. " Joan gave it to me. Don't tell anyone meet me at the outhouse at lights out" we were separated for the rest of the day.

I stared at the ceiling Abba blasting in my ears " Sheila, Sheila!" I snapped out of my daydreaming. " What?" sitting up. " Can you help me with these curlers?" Annie asked. " Yeah" I put her brown her up in curlers. " Thanks" I have to meet Regan. " No problem. I'm gonna go to the washroom to take a shower" she's already probably waiting for me. " Wait, Sheila!" Becky chased me down. " You forgot your bathroom stuff" handing me the small bag." Right, thanks" I walked to see Regan leaning up against up the outhouse. " Hey" she smiled. " Hi" I looked around before kissing her. " I wanted to do that all day. I know a place where we can go" intertwining our fingers together leading her to a open grassy area away from the cabins. " You got the stuff?" we sat down on the green grass. " I haven't touched it, waited for you. Have you ever smoked before?".

" No, have you?".

" I got it second hand but I've never done it myself. I'll go first" she lit up the joint taking a hit, holding her breath didn't last very long when she started coughing harshly. " Holy shit that's strong" she said in-between coughs. " Your turn" handing me the joint. I did the same thing as she did my chest and throat burned as I coughed heavily. " You good, love?" rubbing my back.

We took a couple more hits " I don't feel anything. What am I suppose to feel?".

" Floaty, your body relaxes. Here have some more" I took another hit.

" I don't think it's working maybe I'm immuned".

" I don't think you can be immuned to marijuana. Follow my finger" I obeyed.

She barely tapped me making me fall over laughing " You're stoned!" we laughed so hard.

" I feel so light like I'm on a cloud" I laughed.

" I know me too. Was that Will? the boy who kissed your cheek this morning. He had his hands all over you. You don't know how much I wanted to punch him in the face".

" Yeah, I don't like him like that. You know that right?. I'll talk to him about it tomorrow".

" You see that star. The biggest one in the sky?".

" That one?" pointing up to the sky.

" That's my brother Andy he said when we pass and leave this world another star is added to the galaxy. I'll be the biggest one in the sky so, I'll know you'll see me he said. We used to lay out looking at the stars and try to find pictures within it. Sometimes we would fall asleep outside looking at them".

" I'm sorry baby".

" When he died I was so mad at him leaving me on this earth alone but I'm not alone anymore. I have you" she opened up the locket that was around her neck.

" This is him and I. He never got the chance to give it to me. This is his jacket too makes me feel close to him" her arms are wrapped around his neck her face pressed against his cheek as they both smiled widely in the photo.

" He looks groovy. You think he would have approved of us?".

" Oh, yes he was my biggest fan and I was his. You would have liked him intimidating at first he was always very protective of me. Then he'll see how happy you make me and he'll welcome you with open arms. I think about him all the time he's better place now. He wasn't hurting on the outside but inside and he took the drugs to numb it I realized that now. Shadyside does that to a person makes you want to forget we've always hated it there but we can't afford anything else".

" I don't like It here either. I hate this town".


" I don't fit in. People don't understand me. They feel like they know me but they don't".

" I do".

" You're the only person that gets me. The only one that I can trust. I don't know about you but I'm so hungry".

" Me too. Let's go to the mess hall and find some snacks" the camp grounds was quiet and dark.

We raved the pantry I grabbed some snacks while Regan grabbed some water. When we heard a loud creak" What was that?" I whispered.

" I don't know maybe it was the wind" a loud thump made us jump. " That was definitely not the wind" we went around the corner to see nothing.

" What are you guys doing up?" we turned around to see Cindy.

" Regan, what's going on. Is she bothering you?" I'll never bully Regan not ever.

" No, I-I was hungry. So, I got a snack" Cindy looked at me.

" And I was thirsty got some water" she better not have seen us.

" Sheila, go back to your cabin" I left Regan alone with Cindy.

For the summer Sheila X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now