Chapter 3

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I can't believe she left me here " come on kiddo" I followed him into the house. " So . . ." I opened the fridge. " Can I have a soda David?" 

" You can have whatever you want. You can call me dad you know" I opened the can with a loud pop. " I prefer David" he chuckled nervously. " What do you like to do for fun?" I sat at the counter. " Cut the sweet talk. Why, am i here?" he looked stunned. " Cause I want to get to know my daughter".

" You had 10 years to get to know me".

" I know I haven't been a figure in your life but I thought of you and Andrew everyday and I regret not being a part of your guys life. I don't want to miss anything else".

" You already missed all the important parts a father teaches his daughter how to ride a bike, how to swim, help me with my homework, teach me about respect and consent!" my voice cracked. " You know who taught me all that. Andy he was there every step of the way while mom has 3 jobs to put food on the table. Andy was always there and now he's dead!" he put his head down in shame. " I missed my chance with your brother. I'm not gonna miss my chance to have a relationship with you" tears rolled down my cheeks. " You didn't even show up to his funeral why?. He was your son".

" I was there just at a distance. I didn't want to cause any drama. I called your mom and asked her if you could stay with me. I know I wasn't there for you before but I'm here now".

" We were suffering down there. We live in a piece of shit house with no heating or air conditioning  sometimes we go days without food. While you were here in your big mansion eating lobster. You were 30 minutes away not across the country. I don't want to hear your excuses!" I stormed out of the house.

                                                                         ( Sheila's pov)

I was reading this months cosmo with my back against the tree when this girl my age stormed past me muttering to herself. She sat at the bench at the top of the hill overlooking the view " you okay?" she turned her head looking at me. " I'm fucking fantastic".

"Your eyes are bloodshot you either had some grass or you've been crying" she stayed quiet.

" Can I sit?".

" I guess".

" I've never seen you here before".

" You can say that I'm new to town. I don't even want to be here".

" Then why are you?".

" Cause I just love torturing myself" her long blonde hair blew softly in the wind.

" You want to get a root beer float?".

" With you?" I nodded my head softly. 

" I don't even know your name?" I stood up, holding out my hand. 

" It's sheila" she put her hand in mine. 

" Regan" we shook hands.

" Regan like the exorcist"

" Exactly, except I'm not possessed by a demon" I laughed.

We walked the couple of blocks to the liquor store " you get the coke and I'll get the ice cream" when we went to pay she reached into her pocket. " I don't have any money. I must of left it in my jacket pocket" I paid for our things. " I got It" she gave me a soft smile. " Thanks" we sat at a picnic table. " What were you doing out there in the woods?".

" To get away from the man I'm suppose to call dad".

" I get into arguments with my parents too. They can be such assholes".

" I didn't know him till today. He never wanted to get to know me now he does. He never cared about me before it's just so confusing you know. . .  I don't know why I'm telling you all this".

" Sometimes it's easier to someone you don't know well so, it won't feel like they are judging you" her green eyes locked with my blue ones. " Are you?" I shook my head. " No, we all have our family issues. Do you live here now?".

" Just for the summer. What is there to do around here?".

" We have a arcade, mall, cinema, and a roller skating rink" regan grinned widely. " You guys have a roller skating rink. I love roller skating. We don't have that kind of stuff in my town".

" Where you from?".

" Not that far".

" They have disco nights at the roller rink on Saturdays for 3 bucks if you want to go" I want to hang out with her again. " Sure, that'll be groovy"  a car pulled up in front of us. " Shit" Regan stood up. " I've been driving all around town looking for you!" I'm guessing it's her dad since they have the same features.

" Did you drive more than 30 minutes".

" Don't be a smartass Regan now say goodbye!".

" Thank you for the root beer float Sheila see you around" before I could ask her for her home phone number the car shrieked away.

I closed my bedroom door grabbing my diary from under the mattress ' Dear diary, I met a girl today her name is Regan she's staying with her dad for the summer. She was at my favorite get away spot seems like she's has a very strained relationship with her dad. She was upset so, I asked her for a rootbeer float and she said yes all the other kids around here are scared of me. I can be mean but i have a good reason but i don't think i can be mean to her. I felt comfortable with her I really hope we can be friends. She seems real not like my other friends if I even call them that. I asked her to go roller skating with me on Saturday and she said yes but then she left before I could ask her for her home phone number. I hope I get to see her again real soon xoxo Sheila.

For the summer Sheila X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now