Chapter 10

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" Hold on, let me ask" putting the phone on the counter

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" Hold on, let me ask" putting the phone on the counter. " Greg has the day off can he spend the day here, please" I begged. " Sure, we have plenty of hot dogs and hamburgers to go around" I grinned widely. " He said yes. I can't wait to see you when are you coming?" I haven't seen Greg since I got here. We talk on the phone but it's not the same " in a couple of hours have to take as shower and do a couple of things" we said our goodbyes.

Today is the fourth of July it's Andy's favorite holiday it was best night of the summer Andy, Greg, and I we'll buy food and slurpees from the 7/11 and drive a couple of hours to buy some illegal fireworks. All the kids in town would wait till everyone goes to bed and meet at the swimming hole it's the biggest event of the year for shadysiders everyone's either drunk or high sometimes even both and we'll set off fireworks. When we hear sirens in the distance everyone will flee from the scene and we didn't sleep till dawn cause everyone's high on adrenaline. It'll be different this year but at least Greg is gonna be here with me.

I put on a Kiss record as we put hamburgers and hot dogs on the grill " what do you guys do for the fourth of July?" dragging the cooler out of the garage. " Everyone in town goes down to the park. We'll bring a couple of lounge chairs, some food, drinks, bring a frisbee and we'll hang till the fireworks start at 8" the doorbell rang. " It's Greg!" I ran to answer the door not to see Greg but Joyce Sheila's mother and she doesn't look very happy. " Oh it's you. What do you want?" crossing my arms over my chest. " I want you to stay away from my daughter. I won't let you jeopardize her" I scoffed. " The only person that jeopardizing her is you and for your information I haven't seen Sheila".

" Your lying I know you guys have been sneaking out to see each other. She's changed since she met you her sense of style then her attitude. She never backed talked till she brought you home".

" Maybe, I just give her the courage and confidence that you can't seem to give her. Maybe she found herself and your sad cause she doesn't need her mommy anymore" I pouted.

" I won't let you ruin my family's reputation from this silly little crush you have on my daughter".

" Sheila's and I feelings for each other are mutual. You can't change her Joyce maybe for a little while but at the end of the day you can't change her sexuality and hiding her away will make her want me even more".

" You better watch how you talk to me young lady. You don't want to get on my bad side".

" I'm shaking with fear".

" What's going on out here?" David came besides me.

" You need to keep an eye on your delinquent daughter David. She's a trouble maker did you know she's been sneaking out to see my little girl in the middle of the night".

" I used to sneak out when I was their age, I'm sure you did too. Our daughters are friends" David defended.

" Oh, they're not friends. They're more than that mhmm Regan is romantically involved with my little girl" he didn't respond.

Joyce seemed pleased with herself " yup, they're girlfriends. Your daughter might be a dyke but no way in hell. I'm letting her turn mine into one disgusting trash" David pulled me behind him.

" Get the hell off my property. I won't let you bully my daughter you don't talk or even look at her if you do. We'll have a serious problem now leave!" she left.

" god, I hate that woman you okay?" I wrapped my arms around him. " I'm not trash, right?" he hugged me tightly. " No, you're perfect just the way you are. Joyce is the one that's trash, hey" pulling my chin up to meet his eyes. " Don't listen to her. She's a bully unhappy with her life. Don't let her ruin our day. Greg is coming over we're gonna go to the park and we're gonna have a great time hanging out and watching fireworks" kissing the top of my head.

" Dad, thanks for supporting and defending me" he gave me a soft smile. " It's my job as your dad. I think I heard a car pull up" Greg got out of his car." I'm so glad you're here" we hugged. " Blue raspberry slushie from 7/11".
" Thanks, carrying on the tradition I see".
" How you feeling today?".
" Surprisingly okay. I think I'm starting to accept. I guess you were right maybe Sunnyvale is part of my healing journey. How you feeling today?".
" To be honest I cried most of the morning and driving the same route we always did was hard but it was important to me to spend this day with you in honor of Andy".
" To Andy" we cheered our slurpee cups.

The park was packed full of people kids running around the playground, playing bean bag toss on the soccer field. We found a spot setting everything up after eating Greg and I decided to play frisbee " how's it going between you and Sheila?".

" Complicated, her mom came by today called me a dyke, trash, and outed me in front of my dad".

" What a bitch".

" Sheila asked me to be her girlfriend".

" Really, that's great! your first relationship how exciting!.

" We become official then she completely ghosted me. Haven't seen or heard from her for days no note like last time, nothing. Don't trust sunnyvalers I guess only care about themselves".

" Is that her? she's been staring at you for the past five minutes at 12 o'clock" Sheila and I made eye contact.

I quickly look away " she's pretty looks like she wants to talk to you" she gestured towards the bathrooms. " Well, I don't want to talk to her" he gave me a look. " Let her explain maybe it's not what you think. She's gonna keep an eye on you all night she's going towards the bathrooms follow her. I know you want too" I sighed. " I'll be back" he yelled good luck.

I went to the porta potty's to see her by the softball field a distance away from everyone. She gave me a huge grin when I approached her " hey" she went to give me a hug. I backed away " if your mom sees me she'll have my head on a pike".

" My dad is taking care of her. So, we can talk".

" What if I don't want to talk".

" You did or you wouldn't have followed me. I missed you" trying to reach out to me. I backed away " baby" her face full of hurt.  " Your psycho mother came to my house today. You have a lot of explaining to do".

" What?".

" She called me trash, dyke and oh she outed me to my dad. How did she know we were sneaking out and how did she know about us.Did your dad tell her?.

" No, he didn't say anything I swear. She read my diary I write everything in there and she found it" she really was writing about me that day.

" I waited for you at our spot for days at first I thought you fell asleep early, 2nd thought maybe you were sick. I went to our spot every night for days I didn't get no note nothing. You ask me to be your girlfriend then you ghosted me. I'm not some toy you can play with and throw away when you're done!" the stadium lights went off as everyone cheered as the fireworks started.

" I never wanted to make you feel that way. You know I would never ghost you not on purpose.

" Then why did you?".

" My mother makes everything complicated. I like you a lot Regan you have to believe me on that".

" I don't know what to do anymore Sheila. I want us to be together but it's hard with your mom on our ass all the time. She knows everything".

" Come with me to camp".

" Camp, what are you talking about?".

" Come with me to summer camp. We'll be away from my mother no more sneaking around. This is the only way we can be together".

" I've never been to summer camp".

" I'll introduce you to my friends. This is the only way we can be together".

" I guess I'm going to summer camp".

For the summer Sheila X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now