Chapter 24

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I stayed in Cindy and Joan's cabin last night I didn't want to be in the same room as Ziggy last night Joan and I got high while Cindy was asleep. I knew Cindy felt bad for me for what her sister had said. She didn't know that I was listening I don't blame Cindy she was an innocent bystander only a couple more days left of camp then I don't have to be near her no more but I still thought all night if Ziggy felt bad about what she said if she meant it. Her life has been going downhill since her dad left earlier this year it really impacted her but Andy dying in a tragic way also impacted me her dad is still alive my brother was dead. " Do you think you and Ziggy can ever be friends again?" Cindy asked. " I forgive a lot of things Ziggy has done but after what she said about Andy. I don't think we can be friends

i t'll never be the same. I'll never see her the same way ever again. You're still my big sister right?" she pulled me into an tight embrace. " I'll always be your big sister. I'm always here for you, I'm sorry that it had to come this way. She's changed a lot since our dad left and our mom started drinking you were the only true friend that she ever had" Ziggy and I met in the 7th grade when we were 13 we were in the same English class. We bonded over our favorite novelist Stephen King her favorite book was Carrie and mine was Salem's lot. We even went to the movies together to see Carrie when it came to theaters that's when I met Cindy and the rest of her family and she met family. She became family she was like a sister to me we did everything together she practically lived at my house on the weekends then the thing with Andy happened then I didn't hear a word from the Berman sisters till we saw each other on the first day of camp.

" I know" nobody really understood Ziggy she never thought before she spoke so, she comes out harsh. She's a prankster making people worry that they'll be next for her big prank, she's very mischievous making people get the wrong impression of her. Why am I making excuses for her she's a bitch and doesn't deserve my energy and thoughts.

Today is the biggest most important night of the summer color war is tonight and it's a big occasion it's also my first color war must be fun since everyone is so hyped up about it. I have to stay busy to keep my mind occupied so, I'm helping prepare for color war " I just hope you and Ziggy don't end up like Alice and Cindy" I was helping Joan and Gary with the red and blue t-shirts. I painted color '78 war on the blank shirts and hanged them up to dry handing them the dry shirts to pass out " color war begins tonight, guys. Line up and grab a shirt! Do you have a shirt?" handing a girl a red shirt. " Blue is for beautiful, if you live in Shadyside. Red is for radiance if you live Sunnyvale. Despite our differences, we're all perfect. Even you Ziggy Berman!" she barely caught the shirt. She had dried blood on her upper lip she looked at me for a second before walking away. What happened with her I thought part of me wanted to go after her to know what happened and another part of me is saying she deserved it.

I watched her go towards Nurse lanes office I went to go tell Cindy she was exiting her cabin " hey, I saw Ziggy" before Cindy can talk back we were interrupted by Kurt. " Hey, where have you been? I've been looking all over for you. Your sister" he can smell the weed coming out of the cabin. " Cindy Berman that smell better be skunk" maybe he needs to get high to relax or get laid since he's so uptight. " What about my sister" Kurt explained that Ziggy stole Sheila's money that she found Ziggy bound to a tree with Sheila burning her with a lighter. Cindy went to nurse Lane to check on Ziggy and I went to find Sheila.

I can hear Sheila and the girls in her cabin I didn't care about acting like we didn't know each other anymore. I stormed into their cabin they jumped out of surprise " get out!" looking at the younger brunettes. I was beyond pissed fuming " I need to talk to Sheila so, get the fuck out!" they looked at Sheila who also had blood on her upper lip. She gave them a slight nod they left with no questions.

" Baby . . ." she said softly.

" Don't you baby me. You have a shit ton of explaining to do".

" She stole my money".

" You hurt her Sheila!".

" She hurt you what was I supposed to do? let her make you feel like shit? I was protecting you".

" Protecting me? you tied her arms up to a tree and burned her! what the fuck is wrong with you!".

" She stole my money" she repeated.

" This isn't like wrecking someones stuff or a harmless prank. You fucking hurt someone".

" Someone who broke your heart".

I couldn't even look at her " she always fucking ruins everything that money was for Kurt for you to stay with me. That was our deal I give him the money then we'll be together. I saw her running away with it I wasn't just gonna let her take it!.

I didn't know the money was for us it didn't matter " I defend you over and over again and this is what I get? She has no excuse for what she's done and you have no excuse for what you have done. I can't defend you no more" tears welled up in my ears.

" Would you hurt me?".

" No, I would never hurt you I love you" trying to wrap her arms around me but I pushed her away.

" But you did" tears fell from her eyes as well as mine.

" I told you how much you and Ziggy fighting was hurting me and you didn't care. You're just like your mother everything is a controlling game to you. I can't trust you anymore".

" You can trust me I'll leave Ziggy alone and everything will be fine. We'll be fine".

" You're too late".

For the summer Sheila X ReaderUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum