Chapter 22

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This morning after breakfast everyone went for a hike " my legs hurt" Ziggy said as we walked up the hill

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

This morning after breakfast everyone went for a hike " my legs hurt" Ziggy said as we walked up the hill. " Mine too my calfs are cramping" we're towards the back of the back of line with Sheila and the older kids. " The view will be worth it. It's really pretty" shows all of Shadyside and Sunnyville. " Yeah, your guys part isn't real pretty to look at" Annie and Becky giggled who we like to call tweedledee and tweedledum. " What the fuck is your problem? mind your own fucking business bitch" they listened and didn't say anything or they couldn't come up with a good comeback. " That was good" Ziggy whispered into my ear. " I'm up to here with their bullshit" they're so annoying the definition of stupidity. We finally made it to the top of the hill " come over here" Ziggy grabbed my hand taking me to a big rock where we sat on top of overlooking the horizon. " Beautiful ain't it?" you can see the green hills and the houses below they look really small. " I think I can see my house. The one with the grey roof and chimney" pointing out to the distance. " I see it let's see if we can see mine" we couldn't find hers. " You see your dads? I'm sure it'll be easy to find since he probably lives in a big mansion" my eyes scanned the area. " I think it's too far out" I actually missed my dad. I wondered if he'll take part time custody of me when I get back. " Ziggy, Regan come on" Cindy said.

When we got back Ziggy and I swam in the lake to cool off it was over 100 degrees again today. We wrapped a towel around ourselves when Sheila and her girl crew walked up to us " hey witch" Ziggy and I rolled our eyes. " Fuck off Sheila leave us alone" Ziggy said irritated. " By the way you might want to check your stuff. I think there was an accident in cabin five" Ziggy and I looked at each other and started to walk away. " Look at her hurry witch run!" Sheila teased.

We walked into our cabin they wrote on the walls and ripped apart Ziggy's bed and emptied out her suitcase on the floor. It was only her side of the room that was messed up my bed was still made and clean " what the fuck" I mumbled under my breath. ' Ziggy sucks cocks in hell, Ziggy is a witch, slut, monster, Shadyside trash' I picked her clothes off the floor putting it back into her suitcase. " Ugh, I fucking hate them!" I have to get her back. I can't let her win. " Why, didn't they get you. Why didn't they ruin your stuff?" Ziggy asked. " How should I know. I didn't put paint in Sheila's shampoo bottle" she looked at me.

" How did you know that?" fuck I forgot that she didn't tell me Sheila did.

" I overheard it that there was red paint in one of the showers. I put two and two together. Why, didn't you tell me?".

" Cause I know you would have tried to talk me out of it. I didn't do it just for me I did it for you too. She flipped your kayak over I thought she was trying to drown you".

" She didn't. I told you to leave her alone"

" That was when she didn't mess with us. Now she did so, it's a equal playing field. You don't get it Regan she does this every summer. She's a Sunnyviller rich girl who's parents probably give her whatever her demon little heart desires" she doesn't know that her mom is living through Sheila that she's emotionally abusive to her that she goes to camp to get away from her mom.

" You don't know that".

" And you do?".

" Yeah, kinda".

" Wow, a month in Sunnyville can really change a person".

" It wasn't my fault and you know it".

" Whatever, defend that bitch. Your Shadyside, in case you forgot" she stormed out of the cabin leaving me by myself.

Ziggy and I pretty much ignored each other for the rest of the day when I didn't show up for dinner Cindy figured something was up " Where's Regan?" Cindy asked. " Don't know, don't care" Ziggy said.

" Did you guys have a fight?".

" Yup".

" Are you gonna tell me what it was about?".

" Nope".

" Ziggy I'm trying to understand so, I can help you guys fix this. She's your best friend".

" Who cares? it's over".

" She's been through a lot. You need to remember that. Ziggy do you hear me?".

" Loud and clear ma'am".

" Why are you being like this?".

" Like what?".

" Being so mean?".

" Cause Regan was the only person that was nice to me and now we're over bad things always happen to Shadysiders".

" Nothing just happens. There's always a reason".

" You always defend her like she's your sister not mine".

" Ziggy that's enough".

" You're not going to college nobody can get out of this town not even miss perfect. Shadyside, there's something here. It's just holding us down, cursing us. You're too scared to admit it".

" Regan did".

" Well, you're gonna have to find my dead body and have a fucking mental breakdown like Regan did when she found Andy. We're all cursed for Regan it was 2 months ago but someday, it'll be you. And this fake bullshit life of yours, it's gonna come crashing down just like it did to Regan".

" That's a horrible thing to say. I don't know who you are anymore, but . . . you're not my sister. You're a monster".

I came from around the corner " Regan" Cindy said tears run down my face.

" H-h-how much did you hear?" Ziggy stuttered.

" Seems like you need to find Cindy or I dead body then you can get out of Shadyside. You don't know what the hell I've been through Christine Berman. You guys didn't see what I saw. You didn't even check up on me no phone call, no letter, you didn't come by my house. You used to come over every weekend but I forgave you I tried to move past it but I still thought of it. Every night I laid in bed crying myself to sleep wondering where's Ziggy where's my best friend? I gave you support and a shoulder to cry when your dad moved out and you started to have problems with your mom. . . I was there for you at your worst time and you weren't there for me what kind of a fucking friend are you?" Tears form in Ziggy's eyes but I didn't care.

"I wanted to Regan I just didn't know what to say. I didn't trigger you" she tried so hard for the tears to not fall from her eyes but she failed.

"Oh, you didn't want to trigger me but you joke about me finding my big brothers dead body was a free ticket for me to get out of Shadyside. I am forever fucking traumatized. Your daddy left you and your mommy is now a drunk soon Cindy is gonna leave you she's gonna be successful" I got into her face her bottom lip was quivering.

"You know why cause she has courage, motivation, confidence and brains she'll make a name out of herself. You?" I chuckled.

" you're definitely not any of those things. You wonder why people don't want to be around you cause you only think about yourself what you want, what you need. Your the most self centered person I have ever fucking met. Your a mean girl Christine your a bitch! You'll stay here forever you probably won't even graduate high school if you did you'll get a 9 to 5  job you'll be miserable and alone. You'll wish for me and Cindy to come back maybe that's your curse" Ziggy was trembling with sobs but I didn't give a fuck.

"I found another dead body and it's yours cause you're fucking dead to me".

For the summer Sheila X Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें