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There was a movement of hesitation. Tony forgot about bucky. Everything that had happened. Everything that he resembled. Every memory that tony couldn't not think about when seeing his face. It didn't matter to him anymore. Nothing mattered apart from his daughter. He jumped after her as the world fell silent. Everyone leant their heads over the edge, fearful that tony wasn't going to make it.

He powered his thrusters and flew downwards following y/n's fall. He sped up. His hand reached down to hers ready to secure her in his grasp and bring her to safety. But the ground was nearing to quickly. He was nearly there. A few centimetres from being able to touch fingers. They were so close. Yet so far. A final tear slid down y/n's cheek before she hit the ground.

Tony landed next to her and stumbled out of his suit.

"y/n! NO! Y/N!" he wept as he collapsed by her side, cradling her in his lap.

"d-dad...?" y/n whispered softly. "y-you lo-love me..." she let out a weak and sorrowful smile.


y/n lifted her hand with the remaining energy she had left and lay it on his. Tony went quiet and stared down at her with tears falling down his face focussing all of his attention onto her.

"it's okay... it doesn't hurt..." she whispered as she drifted away.

Tony fell apart as he watched her final breath escape. It was over, y/n was gone.


Tony couldn't help but blame himself. He had driven her to this. And worst of all, he could have saved her.

The whole team had fallen apart once again except this time there was no way of getting her back. After y/n's death Tony and Pepper were hit the hardest, spending a lot of their time in their isolated woodland home. Away from the world. Away from the guilt. Bucky was barely keeping it together, he couldn't bare to face tony or himself. Sometimes he wished he had been killed by y/n when she first arrived to save them from all they'd been through, but at heart he knew he would do it all over again just to see her smile again. He eventually went radio silent. Only Steve knew where he was.


If your reading this I am probably dead...

I know it's hard to lose somebody, trust me, I know. i'm sorry it hurts. But it was what was meant to happen. I was never happy.

When I first arrived here, I had 2 bullets in my back pocket one for Bucky and one for myself. But I never got a chance do  it because I never killed him. Instead I found you. My family. The people I love, the people I admire and look up to. I tried I really tried because I love you guys, but it didn't change how I felt.

Ever since my last attempt I decided to write this note, because I always knew that if I did actually do it, I would have a way to say goodbye.

Whatever happened to me, I want you to know that it wasn't your fault, it was never meant to be this way. but i'm so glad that it was. Because I got a chance to be with my family again.

I'm sorry,


To my parents, i love you x

and to my Bucky, thank you for being the love of my life, i love you James Buchanan Barnes, my Bucky...

It's the pain that keeps me aliveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें