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I stepped into the cage, breaking glass with every step. I traipsed towards Walker. He weakly held himself in a siting position. I pulled a gun out from my side. Admiring the power it held; I pressed the barrel of the gun to his forehead and angled his head till he was looking up at me dead in the eye.

"no please no, i'm sorry for everything I should never have... no please don't kill me" the words spilled out of his mouth in panic and fear.

"oh shut up!"

Just when I was about to pull the trigger I was interrupted by somebody running into the room.

"y/n!". Turning my head in their direction, I huffed "What now?"

"what is this? what are you doing?" It was James.

"what does it look like?" I joked. I looked back to walker giving him a quick wink and a wave before turning my attention back to the other men in the room.

"you can't just kill him y/n. that's not going to make this situation any better. I know your struggling and I know that what he did was wrong, but killing him is not the answer" Steve was trying to convince me in a calm tone.

"see that's where you're wrong. I tried the proper legal, get over it approach but it was just so boring..."

"we're all here for y/n, we all love you"

"Ugh get a grip Tony!" he was clearly hurt that I addressed him by his name other than daddy dearest.

"y/n you can't kill him, it's wrong" James announced.

"yeah you see I missed the part where that's my problem."

I turned back to Walker with a smile in my eyes, realigned the barrel to between his eyes and pulled the trigger...

"happy new year mother fucker"


"what have you done?" everyone questioned me in a disappointed and shocked way.

"oh that? he's dead. And that would make him the 728th person i've killed. Wow a new personal best... so are you just going to stand there orrr? You know what you can deal with this, i'm off, toodles!"

I began to make my way toward the door when a hand pulled my by the wrist.

"Y/n are you crazy!? What's gotten into you?" Tony exclaimed.

"you don't get it do you, I just don't care anymore" I scoffed at their pathetic faces.

"now get off me or am I going to have to make you?" he released his grip knowing he was going to regret his decision later on.

Bucky held himself against the door.

"I'm not going to just let you leave y/n."

"oh really?" I went for him and spun him into the wall pinning him by the neck, holding the edge of a cold blade against his throat.

"watch me..." I released him. There were few ways I would be able to get out of the tower. The most logical way would be to simply leave but I couldn't do that without everybody seeing me. The only other options were jumping out of the tower but I didn't exactly have any gear. Oh well they're all going to find out eventually. All eyes were on me as I powered through the common room, covered in Walkers blood with a knife in my hand.


"oh my god, are you ok?"

"we heard a gunshot!"

"Is that your blood?!"

I just rolled my eyes and kept on my way. I had left the tower for good...

It's the pain that keeps me aliveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora